☆ Gemstones - Ice ☆

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It is a peaceful day today. The sky is a little bit cloudy near this shallow rock pool but clearer at the shores. I usually come here to relax and refresh myself. Especially when others are eating my brain away....especially Blaze. Well, it's peaceful, calm....

As I lay on the minute golden grains of sand, I looked up at the brilliant sky, adorned with flashes of pink and orange and purple, mirroring the colours of a flawless seasoned apricot.

The goddess-like sun's face is being embraced by the demure navy fingertips of the skyline.

I got up and walked down to the pier to sit and relax. This has always been my favorite spot. There are not so many people around so it's good.

Everything felt like it came to a standstill and the effect of the light made the scene look like one in a painting. The waves break gently into white foam on the black beach. The small crystals in the sand glimmer and twinkle brilliantly against the sunrays.

I close my eyes and took a deep breath. This is a place where I like to be.


This is a place where I would always like to be.

 While I was enjoying the silence, something already ruined it.

A scream? Is someone screaming? Or is it a cry?

I opened my eyes and looked around to only see a kid? A girl of five or six near the shore, crying over something....?

Thinking that she might need some help, I walk over to her.

"Hey kid, why are you crying?"

She just looked up at me with big glossy doll eyes and pointed toward something. Following where she was pointing, I spotted a sea rock pillar with green moss covered all over it, almost my height. On top of it, there was.....a sea shell?

"That?", I asked pointing towards the sea shell. She nodded while still pouting. I chuckled and walked over to that pillar. I did have to struggle but got the sea shell. 

When I got a closer look, I was astonished by that shell's beauty. It was a beautiful conch shell with a pink and purple hue and a few gemstones decorated on top of it. When I flipped it, I saw a hairpin attached to it.

So this is a hair accessory? But the shell and the stones are so magnificent. I have never seen something like this before.

"Is this yours?", I asked kneeling  down to meet that girl's level.

"Yes!", she beamed, taking the sea shell.

"How did you manage to get that on top of the pillar?", I asked a bit laughing. That pillar was like two times the height of that girl. There was no way she just threw that on top of it.

"I was roaming around looking for seashells when a giant wave crashed on top of me. I was in between those two pillars so I was okay but it flew my hair clip on top of that stupid rock!", she ranted.

"Why are you roaming around near the shore, you are too young and it might be dangerous.", I said with concern after hearing her story.

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