☆ When it is *That* time of the month ☆

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newlycool_667: "How about when it is that time of the month? Like every month.....You got what I meant to say right??"

Since I'm a female, for a 200% sure I did 😌.

It's  FUCKIN PERIOD! Is that even a question?! 

As a female, I would like to thank you for suggesting this idea, cause you know why? I am on my period.

Coincidence?! I FUCKIN think not!!

My cramps are getting worse and it's just so hot here which is not helping either. So now I am going to let all my anger, frustration, symptoms, and cramps and sparkle of sweetness out in this chapter....cause why the hell not?

Plus can y'all suggest some story ideas for Thunderstorm, please?? Cause I just noticed that he is the one who is missing in my one-shots stories, and I can't find a good idea :')

☆• 🌙 •☆


"Pads. Tampons. Whatever you find in the store.", you said over the phone to Boboiboy. You were laying on the couch, along with your favorite go-to during your bloody week. He was nervous about choosing which one you wanted.

"Okay....anything else?", he said quietly as he walked towards the women's section for health, watching people pass by him. You hummed softly, looking up at the ceiling. 

"Maybe some....cookies? Or ice cream...either sound like a great choice right now!", you whined, positioning yourself better on your couch.

Both of you hung up and said your goodbyes, leaving you to your mild cramping and Boboiboy to choose your pads and tampons. The only thing was.....he forgot to ask what size. He nervously stood in front of them, overwhelmed by the fact there were so many sizes.

Lucky for him, Yaya was going grocery shopping and spotted him standing there like the idiot he was. Smiling, she walked over to him. 

"Need help, Boboiboy?", she asked him. He jumped, nearly tripping over his own feet. 

"Y-Yaya?! Oh uh....", he said, blushing from pure embarrassment. She giggled and looked at all the sizes. She thought about what you would fit, grabbing three boxes of feminine products.

"These should fit (Y/n), also make sure to not get her mad at this week, alright? Or you might not survive...", Yaya told him, who nodded several times. 

"R-Right...", Boboiboy mumbled, placing them in the cart he had. She waved goodbye to him, walking away. He was lucky to have good friends.

Boboiboy bought the products, along with the cookies and ice cream you wanted. There was a lot of traffic, so it gave him the perfect time to wonder about what it would be like. He got a phone call from you, which was mostly about you asking if he got everything.


You woke up next to Quake, clutching your stomach. Your period had come slightly early and unfortunately, you were sleeping under white bedsheets.

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