☆ Opposite Attracts - Thunderstorm ☆

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I really wanted to make a one-shot based on opposite personality attraction but couldn't choose which character to use. Since there weren't many Thunderstorm one-shots in mah book, well here he is.

Hope ya'll will love it~



In the bustling halls of Rintis High School, Thunder and (Y/n) couldn't be more different.

 Thunder, with his unruly jet-black hair and piercing red eyes, exuded confidence and charisma wherever he went. 

His dominant personality commanded attention, and his reputation as the school's top athlete only added to his allure. Despite his cold exterior, Thunder had a soft side that he reserved for those closest to him.

On the other hand, (Y/n) was a delicate flower, her (h/c) hair cascading in gentle waves around her shy smile. With her bright, expressive eyes and kind heart, she had a way of brightening up any room she entered. 

(Y/n) was known for her bubbly personality and was adored by her friends and classmates alike, even if she lacked the same level of confidence as Thunder.

Their paths seldom crossed until one fateful day when (Y/n) found herself assigned to tutor Thunder in mathematics. She nervously approached him after class, clutching her textbook to her chest.

"Umm, hi, Thunder. I heard you needed help with math," she stammered, her cheeks turning a soft shade of pink.

Thunder's piercing gaze met (Y/n)'s nervous eyes, and a faint smirk tugged at the corner of his lips. 

"So, the bubbly (Y/n) is going to be my tutor? Interesting," he remarked, leaning back against the classroom door.

She bit her lower lip, a habit she had when she felt flustered. 

"I-I hope I can be of help. Math isn't that difficult once you understand the concepts," she replied, trying to sound confident.

Thunder raised an eyebrow, intrigued by her unexpected reply. 

"Alright, (Y/n), surprise me," he challenged, allowing her to lead the way to the library.

As weeks passed, Thunder and (Y/n) spent countless hours studying together. Surprisingly, Thunder found himself drawn to her unique perspective on problem-solving. 

(Y/n)'s patience and kindness were a stark contrast to his usual competitive nature, and he realized that her presence brought out a softer side of him he hadn't known existed.

In turn, (Y/n) discovered Thunder's vulnerability hidden beneath his tough exterior. Late one evening, they found themselves sharing a quiet moment in the library after a particularly challenging math problem.

"You know, Thunder, you're not as cold as everyone thinks you are," (Y/n) murmured, her eyes searching his.

He chuckled softly, a rare sound that echoed through the otherwise silent library. 

"Maybe I've been too focused on maintaining my image. But with you, I can be myself," he confessed, surprising even himself.

Their connection grew stronger, transcending the walls of the library and permeating into their daily interactions. Thunder found himself seeking (Y/n)'s company, making excuses to spend more time with her outside of their tutoring sessions.

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