☆ Count on Me - Solar ☆

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For  TheeBruhBoi cause, she as well as all of us are obsessed with Solar.


You sigh as you sit down and start to watch a funny anime compilation episode on your boyfriend, Solar's computer.

You were so into the show that you didn't even realize that Solar had come home until he started laughing beside you.

"THE HECK!", you shout, almost falling off the chair.

"Relax baby, it's me.", he says a little startled by my actions.

"'Sorry, I just didn't even realize you had come home already."

He chuckled as he placed a soft kiss on your forehead and then lay down on the bed, browsing his phone.

You turn back to the computer and continue watching the compilation.

Suddenly you hear a low rumble of thunder and slightly started to shake.

"I got home just in time, sounds like there's gonna be a thunderstorm.

"Y-yeah", you reply, trying to focus back on the computer.

Since you were little you've had a fear of thunderstorms but we're too embarrassed to tell Solar about it.

All of a sudden there is a loud boom and you hit your elbow on the edge of the table in surprise.

"OW!", you shout.

"(Y/n) ARE YOU OK?!", Solar shouts, jumps off the bed, and rushes to your side.

"S-Solar I'm scared", you say trembling as you massage your elbow.

"Of the thunder?", he asks to which you just nodded in reply...clearly too embarrassed to say it.

He walks you over to the bed and you both lay there. You snuggle close to him as he pulls the covers over the both of you.

Thunder soon booms loudly again and you flinch. It was pouring so hard, you could hear the rain heavily tapping the roof.

Solar wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you closer, trying to confront you and stop you from shaking so much

"It's ok (Y/n), there's no reason to be scared. I know thunder is loud but it won't hurt you I promise.", He cooed into your ear as he played with your hair.

He starts to tell you about how his day went with the others and how it was crazy with Blaze who was eating his mind off and stuff. And you try to focus more on him than the thunderstorm outside.

Once he finishes he kisses your forehead and pulls you closer once more.

"Feeling any better?", he asks brushing the hair out of your face.

"Yeah", you nodded.

You were pretty much ready to fall asleep so you snuggled into his chest and try to match our breathing patterns.

"Thank you so much Solar, I love you", you whispered already falling asleep slowly.

"I love you too (Y/n) and you know you can count on me for anything"


Hope y'all enjoyed it!


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