☆ When you have a Nightmare - Solar☆

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Request by: S1r1t1

Request by: S1r1t1

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In the dimly lit living room of their shared home, Solar and (Y/n) sat on the couch, engrossed in each other's company

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In the dimly lit living room of their shared home, Solar and (Y/n) sat on the couch, engrossed in each other's company. The television hummed softly in the background, but their focus was on the heartfelt conversation they were having.

"(Y/n), you seem a bit off lately. Is everything alright?" Solar asked, noticing the subtle change in her demeanor.

She hesitated for a moment, contemplating whether to share her burden. But as she looked into Solar's caring eyes, she knew she could trust him. "(Y/n)" took a deep breath and began recounting her unsettling nightmare experiences, the darkness, the whispers, and the suffocating grip it had on her.

Solar listened attentively, concern etched across his face. "I had no idea you were going through something like this. I'm here for you, (Y/n), always. We'll figure this out together," he assured her, gently taking her hand in his.

Over the next few nights, Solar stayed awake with (Y/n), comforting her whenever the nightmare plagued her sleep. As they delved deeper into her dreams, they discovered a connection between the nightmares and her suppressed anxieties.

"I think the key to overcoming this nightmare lies in confronting what's haunting you," Solar suggested. "Let's face those fears together, and I promise you won't have to endure them alone anymore."

With Solar's unwavering support, (Y/n) mustered the courage to explore the twisted passageways of her nightmare once again. This time, Solar was right by her side, holding her hand tightly, guiding her through each challenge.

With each step forward, the nightmare's grip weakened. (Y/n) and Solar's bond grew stronger as they navigated through the darkness together. Their love and trust in each other acted as a beacon of light, dispelling the shadows that threatened to consume her.

"(Y/n)," Solar said softly, "I believe in you. You're not alone in this journey, and I'm here with you every step of the way."

"Thank you, Solar."

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