☆ Confession - Ice ☆

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I hope y'all would appreciate it!!


After our meeting in the park, I asked him to show me around since I was new to the area. I had been wandering aimlessly and feeling exhausted, so his help in guiding me back home was greatly appreciated.

Over the past two months, we had become good friends, and I had also befriended his companions, Yaya and Ying.

As we sat in Tok Aba's cafe on a late summer afternoon, enjoying each other's company, Ying suddenly blurted out, "Last night's storm was really intense, wasn't it?"

"Yeah, the thunder was insane! My brother kept jumping every time it roared," Yaya chimed in, laughing.

"It was definitely a wild night. The monsoon season is in full swing," I giggled, recalling the super cyclone-like weather that had passed through the area.

Normally, I would have preferred to stay home on such stormy nights, but Yaya and Ying had convinced me that the rain would let up soon. In truth, I had another motive for venturing out—I wanted to see Ice.

Over the past month, I had developed a significant crush on him, but I wasn't sure if he felt the same way. I didn't want to jeopardize our friendship by revealing my true feelings, so I kept silent.

Lost in conversation with my new friends, I failed to notice the time. Glancing at the clock, my eyes widened as I realized it was already 6:52 p.m.

Realizing my predicament, I slowly rose from my seat, causing both Yaya and Ying to pause their conversation and look up at me.

"Sorry, guys. It's almost 7:00 p.m. I should hurry back home, or my mother will bury me alive for sure."

"Aww, can't you stay a bit longer?" Ying whined.

"I wish I could, but I really can't," I replied, regretting the late hour and the darkened sky outside.

"Are you leaving, (Y/n)?" Quake asked from behind the counter.

"Yes, I better get going. The weather doesn't look promising."

"Okay then, wait, I'll send someone to take you home."

"No, no... I can manage on my own," I protested.

"No way! It's already dark outside," Quake insisted.

Just as I was about to argue further, Ice appeared at my side, a smile on his face.

"Ah, Ice! Thank goodness! Alright, you can take her home," Quake said with a nod.

"Guys, please, I can..." I began to protest, but Ice had already taken hold of my wrist, leading me down the path toward my house.

"You know there's no point in arguing with Quake, right? It'll only make you later," Ice remarked.

"Yeah," I sighed, realizing he was right.

An awkward silence settled between us as we walked, both of us seemingly wanting to say something but unable to find the right words.

"So, uh... how have you been, (Y/n)?" Ice finally broke the silence.

"Huh? Oh, yeah... good," I replied, feeling the awkwardness returned. I contemplated whether to confess my feelings right then and there.

Glancing at Ice, I noticed he appeared slightly sweaty and anxious.

Summoning my courage, I took a deep breath. 

It was now or never.

"Hey Ice" "Hey (Y/n)"

We both looked at each other for a sec and then started chuckling.

"You go first..."

"No, ladies first"

I took a deep breath again.


Before I could utter another word, a loud clap of thunder shook the surroundings. I looked up to see that the sky had darkened even further, and raindrops had started to fall—first a few, then a deluge.

Next to us was a park with a playground, where children had been playing before the rainstorm hit. They now scurried back to their homes, seeking shelter.

"Oh no... Okay, (Y/n), we need to..." he started, but before he could finish his sentence, I darted towards the park's basketball court, giggling.

"Ice, come on!" I called out.

"What?! No! We're going to get sick..." he protested.

"Oh, come on! It'll be fun!" I insisted.

He stood there for a moment, then sighed and smiled. I giggled, taking his hand, and we began running around in the rain. He spun me around, and together we laughed and smiled, completely carefree. It felt magical.

We danced under the pouring rain, refusing to let go of each other as if the world held no worries. Suddenly, he pulled me closer, his hand resting gently on my waist. His wide smile and twinkling eyes were absolutely adorable.

Feeling playful and overwhelmed with affection, I couldn't resist kissing him on the cheek, causing him to freeze momentarily. Then, he locked eyes with me, his gaze flickering between my eyes and my lips.

Slowly, he started leaning in, our upper lips barely touching. Just as we were about to deepen the kiss, he stopped abruptly and pulled back, looking at me.

"Can I?" he asked, his voice filled with uncertainty.

I could only manage to nod in response. And then, he kissed me. It took me a few seconds to respond, but when I did, it felt perfect. We stood there, locked in a tender embrace, before he finally let go. As if unable to contain his joy, he lifted me up and hugged me tightly.

"So... is that a yes?" he whispered, his face buried in the crook of my neck. I smiled and hugged him back.



It might not be the best story, cause I was not getting enough good ideas but still tried.

Btw thanks to ErickaVallarta7 for helping me with this story.

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