☆Whispered Enchantment: (Y/n)'s Secret Symphony - Boboiboy☆

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Requested by: ErickaVallarta7

I can't explain her plot cause it's really long so I attached the ss instead. 

But since she didn't specify what kind of power can be given to the reader, I gave one of my choices and I think you'll like it!!

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But since she didn't specify what kind of power can be given to the reader, I gave one of my choices and I think you'll like it!!


(Y/n) had always been reserved and cautious, keeping her secret powers hidden from the world. She had grown up with the ability to make plants come alive and flourish with just the power of her voice. It was a gift she cherished but also feared, for she knew that revealing it could bring both wonder and danger.

Fang, her closest and only friend, was unaware of her extraordinary abilities. (Y/n) had always been hesitant to share her secret, afraid that he might react negatively or become distant. She had witnessed how others treated those who were different, and it made her wary of opening up to anyone else.

Their friendship was a safe haven for (Y/n). Fang accepted her for who she was, without any knowledge of her powers. They spent their days exploring, talking, and laughing together, creating a bond that was unbreakable. However, Fang was a social butterfly, always surrounded by a group of friends, and he often yearned to introduce (Y/n) to others.

One day, Fang excitedly approached (Y/n) with an idea. He wanted to introduce her to his other friends, including the famous Boboiboy and his gang. (Y/n) felt a mixture of excitement and apprehension at the thought. On one hand, she longed for more companionship, but on the other, she feared what might happen if her secret was revealed.

Reluctantly, (Y/n) agreed to meet Fang's friends. The first time she met Boboiboy and the gang, she couldn't help but feel a sense of belonging. They were kind, accepting, and genuinely interested in getting to know her. As they spent more time together, (Y/n) found herself growing attached to the group, particularly Boboiboy.

Boboiboy's carefree spirit and natural curiosity drew (Y/n) closer to him. They spent hours talking about their lives, dreams, and even their fears. With Boboiboy, (Y/n) felt comfortable enough to consider revealing her secret. She believed he could handle it and would never hurt or make fun of her.

However, fate had a different plan. One day, during a casual hangout, a series of events led to the unexpected revelation of (Y/n)'s powers. As she began to sing, the plants around her responded, blooming and rejuvenating with life. The entire group except for Fang stood in awe, their eyes wide with amazement.

At first, (Y/n) panicked. She had never intended to reveal her powers like this. But instead of fear or ridicule, she was met with wonder and excitement. Boboiboy and his friends marveled at her abilities, expressing their admiration and fascination.

With her secret exposed, (Y/n) felt a mixture of relief and trepidation. She had trusted Boboiboy and his gang with her true self, and they had accepted her without hesitation. They reassured her that her powers were incredible and that they were grateful to have her as a friend.

From that moment on, (Y/n) no longer had to hide who she truly was. She had found friends who embraced her powers and supported her wholeheartedly. With Boboiboy and the gang by her side, (Y/n) discovered a newfound confidence in herself and her abilities.

Together, they embarked on thrilling adventures, making memories that would last a lifetime. And through it all, their friendship remained unbreakable, as strong and vibrant as the plants that bloomed at (Y/n)'s command.


I hope y'all liked it!! Bye~

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