☆Bus Love Connection - Quake || Modern AU☆

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MemoryMimi: "How about (Y/n) and Quake have never met each other before. They have only seen one another every day through the window of passing vehicles or have seen each other through their apartment windows only?? And one day both desires to meet!!

Also, both of them are artists of some sort, which is your choice. I hope I'm able to make you understand."

Me: "You sure are! Here ya go!!"

Didn't expect the requests to start coming from today itself. But oh well, keep on sending!!

In a bustling city filled with towering buildings and busy streets, there lived two individuals, (Y/n) and Quake. They followed a routine that spanned for months, unaware of the silent connection they had unknowingly formed.

(Y/n)'s, an aspiring artist, resided in a cozy apartment on the ninth floor of a high-rise building. Her small studio overlooked a bustling intersection where numerous buses passed by throughout the day. Every morning, she would set up her easel by the window, capturing the essence of the city through her vibrant strokes.

Quake, on the other hand, was a dedicated musician living in an unpretentious apartment building just across the street. His room was adorned with musical instruments, and he would spend hours practicing his melodies, always seeking to perfect his craft. Each day, he would gaze out of his window, finding inspiration in the world beyond.

As fate would have it, their paths never crossed, but destiny had a special plan for them. It began one sunny afternoon when (Y/n) spotted a young man sitting by the window of a passing bus. Quake had his headphones on, completely lost in his music, oblivious of the world around him. Intrigued by his serene expression, (Y/n) found herself eagerly awaiting the moment when their eyes would meet.

Days turned into weeks, and soon (Y/n) and Quake's bus encounters became a regular occurrence. Though they were strangers, a strange sense of closeness grew between them, conveyed through the momentary glances they exchanged. The bus window had become their unconventional gateway to a world of unspoken connection.

As the seasons changed, so did the feelings that blossomed within (Y/n) and Quake's hearts. They desired to know more about each other, their daily bus encounters were no longer enough to satisfy their curiousness. 

'Who is he?' 'Who is she?', was the only thing on their heads all this time.

In an attempt to bridge the gap between them, (Y/n) decided to take a leap of faith.

One day, as (Y/n) positioned herself at her usual spot near the window, she held a sign that read, "Hello, I'm (Y/n)." 

She hoped that Quake would notice and respond. As Quake's bus approached, he noticed something different about the apartment across the street. His heart raced as he read the sign, and a gentle smile spread across his face.

Quickly, Quake scribbled a response on a piece of paper, holding it up for (Y/n) to see. 

It said, "Hi, (Y/n). I'm Quake. Your artwork inspires my music."

From that day on, their silent exchanges matured into heartfelt conversations. (Y/n) and Quake would write messages on large boards, sharing stories, dreams, and inspirations. They discovered their shared love for art and music, learning the synchronicity of their creative souls.

Over time, their connection grew stronger. (Y/n) and Quake realized that they had been living parallel lives, separated only by a pane of glass. Encouraged by their bond, they decided to meet in person, eager to experience the vibrant city that had brought them together.

When they finally met, it felt as though they had known each other for a lifetime. Their conversations flowed effortlessly, their shared passions blending harmoniously.

Together, they explored the city's art galleries, attended concerts, and found solace in the creative community they had both longed for.

As their love story unfolded, the city itself seemed to celebrate their union. (Y/n)'s artwork and Quake's melodies interlaced, becoming an expression of their deep connection.

The buses that once separated them now became a symbol of their unique journey, reminding them of the extraordinary way their paths had crossed.

And so, (Y/n) and Quake's love story became a testament to the power of destiny, the beauty of connection, and the extraordinary potential hidden within the simplest of encounters.

Through the window of passing buses, two souls had discovered their truest selves, finding love, inspiration, and the courage to embrace a future filled with endless possibilities.


Soooooooooo...........how was it?

was it good?! Or a bit cringy? :')

Let me know okay? Bye~

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