☆ When they get a Nightmare ☆

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Rquest by mah sis,
Kylie_manaxxx : "How about when the boys get nightmares?"

Age: 23

☆• 🌙 •☆


It was evening and you were eating dinner when your phone rang. Looking at the contact it read Fang. You answered the call.

"(Y/n)? Are you at home?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I'm on my way there, Boboiboy isn't feeling well"

Your eyes widen at the mention of your boyfriend.

 "What's wrong with him?!"

"He was looking kind of tired when he came to training, but as we started our second round, he was running out of breath faster than usual. Then in the middle of one of our break times, he passed out."

"Passed out?!"

"Yes, but I caught him before he could hit the floor."

You run your fingers through your hair in worry, "Is he alright now? What's he doing?"

Fang hands the phone to Boboiboy, who's laying down in the backseat. 


"Babe! Are you okay?", You ask with worry in your tone.

He sighs, "No...are you at home?"

"Yes. Just hang tight, we're going to get you better." You promise.

"I love you, babe...", He groans, starting to get a headache from the car moving.

You blush, "I love you more. See you later."

You hang up the call and start searching the cabinets for medicines that will help Boboiboy.

-7 minutes later -

Fang knocks on the door of your apartment and you waste no time to open the door.

"Baby~!" Boboiboy whines, hugging you tiredly and resting his head on your shoulder while his legs struggle to keep him standing.

You hold him up, "God you're burning up.", You say, touching his forehead with your palm. Fang puts Boboiboy's bag away.

 "Get well soon, buddy.", He says to Boboiboy before leaving the apartment.

You lay Boboiboy on the couch, practically flopping on it because he's heavier than you. You start taking off his jacket and shoes so he can cool off.

"Great...you have a fever of 103°...",  You pout after checking the thermometer.

"I feel hot...", He continues whining.

You get up and grab some medicine and an ice pack. 

"Come on, let's get you to bed."

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