The new beginning

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Today is my first day at work. I have moved in with Xavi for a while now and I adapted myself to my new life. A few weeks ago, Xavi proposed to me this perfect job, since I would be working for him. As a personal trainer, I will be watching over one player of FC Barcelona during his training sessions and games to see what could he improve to become a better player. Then I will tell everything I noticed to my superior who will take charge of putting measures for that player to improve. Then if he has improved, I get assigned to a new player. So from now on, I will always be with Xavi.

I was just about to open the door of my room when I heard Xavi screaming:

"Sarah. Are you ready to go"

"Yeah. I'm coming."

I had woken up around 8 am and I had to be there at 10 am.

I go downstairs to see Xavi all ready in his nice tracksuit, holding his car keys, waiting for me at the door. I smiled at him and he smiled back saying good morning and I replied back. We get into his nice car and he drives to the Spotify Camp Nou stadium where most of the training and games are played. When we entered the stadium's parking, there were so many Barcelona fans all around our car. I wasn't expecting all of that.

"Is it always like that when you enter the stadium every morning?" I told Xavi

"Yup. Most of the time. Especially when the players are in front of me or behind me. They get the most attention from fans."

I looked around and noticed many cars behind us. They were all driven by young boys who were probably the football players of Barca. Xavi and I get inside the stadium and he leads me to a hallway where my office is. I couldn't believe that I had my own office.

"So Sarah, this is the place where you will be submitting all your notes to the superior who will take charge of your player." Xavi says to me.

"Okay perfect got it. Thanks."

My office was really small but perfect for me. There was a computer on the desk in the middle of the room where I will be accomplishing all my work. On one side of the room, there was a wall filled with posters of the FC Barcelona team.

"Hum. I have a quick question. Who will be the player assigned to me?" I ask him.

"Number 8. Pedri. You will be in charge of him. He is not a bad player at all but I want his performance to keep improving that's why you will look after him and see his strengths and weaknesses."

Xavi shows me who Pedri is on one of the posters on my wall. I keep staring at him because there was something wrong. I don't know what was happening. I just kept looking at his smile on the poster until I realized Xavi was still behind me.

"Now Sarah let me show you the football field until the team finishes getting ready for training."

"Okay let's go then."

We walk through the hallway until there was a door in front of us. Xavi opens it and I see the huge football field. I felt such a rush of happiness going through my body. I loved it. Xavi saw the smile on my face and was smiling too because he was happy for me. It had been a while since I had a genuine smile on my face. I hear a group of boys coming near the field. They all enter one by one, sitting on the benches in front of me and Xavi.

After a few minutes, Xavi was able to regroup every football player and worker of the Barcelona team so he could talk to them. They were all sitting in front of me and Xavi, on the chairs and benches. I looked around and noticed how everyone seems so nice and happy to be there. I see the familiar face from the poster. Of course, it's Pedri. He looks at me and I looked back for a few seconds until a boy that seems close to him started a conversation with Pedri. I then look next to me to see Xavi prepping for his speech of the day.

Meant to meet ❤️‍🩹|| PedriWhere stories live. Discover now