The new member

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It had been a few days now since we had the meeting at home. Xavi had surprised me with a brand-new car. I knew that it was coming but I didn't know when. He gave me a white model 3 Tesla. I loved it and it was the perfect car for me. I imagined it that way.  For work, we found the perfect social media professional who will be in charge of all the accounts of the team. She was perfect for us. I was going to be her guide and show her around.

Today was the first day back at the stadium. I was so scared to see Pedri but I knew I couldn't escape him. I took my car to work for the first time and parked it next to Xavi's car. I first went to my office to prepare myself. I looked at Pedri's picture. I couldn't resist. I told myself:

"Listen to me, Sarah. We don't care about Pedri. Okay? Forget him. Stop thinking about him."

I finished my preparation then went to the soccer field and saw Xavi talking to our new member. He made me a sign to come to see him.

"Hi Sarah this is Amelia, our new social media manager."

I smiled at the girl and she smiled back. She looked so cute.

"Amelia. Sarah will help you install yourself here and adapt to our team. Sarah is a relative of mine so she will take good care of you."

"Okay let's go, Amelia. Let me show you your office."

"You are so pretty, Sarah" she said.

"Omg. Thank you so much. You are gorgeous too. I love your outfit."

I'm already super excited to be her friend. This girl seems such a nice girl. I showed her my office and hers, which was just next to mine. She loved it. We talked for a while in her office then went to training. It was time for me to talk in front of the team and present them to Amelia. I was nervous to talk in front of everyone but especially in front of Pedri. When we arrived on the field, everyone was sitting in the chairs and Amelia and I went in front of them. I made eye contact with Pedri the second I walked in. He seemed okay. Gavi was next to him telling me hi. I looked back at Pedri who was now watching Amelia. I saw Gavi look at Amelia and then Pedri. I looked at the girl next to me and saw her as well looking at Pedri. I had a bad feeling but I just brushed it off.

"Hello everyone. I hope you had an amazing rest these past few days. Today Xavi wanted me to present to you guys the new member of our team. This is Amelia. She will take care of all our social media accounts and help the team build a stronger fandom.  So yeah. Hum, please be nice to her and that's it. Thank you, guys."

Everyone applauded and Xavi took the lead in the speech. He gave his daily one and I sat with Amelia on a bench next to the boys. When Xavi ended talking, I was about to leave with Amelia, so we could start working when I saw Pedri yell my name:

"Sarah! Wait."

I turned around to face him. I had so much hope that he will tell me sorry or talk to me but to my biggest surprise, he came to hug Amelia. Pedri was hugging Amelia while smiling in front of me. He completely ignored me. Gavi came next to me and took my hand. He knew how I truly felt. I looked into Gavi's eyes and saw the way he was looking at me. He wanted to tell me to breathe and that everything was going to be okay. When Pedri released Amelia, she was more than happy.

"Hi Amelia. I'm Pedri. It's so nice to meet you."

I could only hear his voice coming from far away even if he was next to me.

"It's nice to meet you too, Pedri."

They kept looking into each other's eyes while smiling. They were flirting in front of me. Pedri was flirting with a girl in front of me even though he told me last time he was only focused on his sport.

Meant to meet ❤️‍🩹|| PedriWhere stories live. Discover now