The dinner

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Pedri's family came around 6 pm. We all sat in the dining room in front of the glass windows. Like always the view was surreal. Pedri's family was so glad to see us. It had been a few days for me since I haven't done anything with them when Pedri was at training. We ate the food that Pedri and I prepared. His family did like it and said that Pedri and I would make good chefs.  I was sitting next to Pedri the whole dinner. He had his hand on my thigh and he was talking with his brother while I was talking with Gavi and Pedri's parents. The discussions were not ending. We kept opening new topics that were even more interesting than the first ones. After a few hours, Pedri stood up and started picking up the food that was left on the table. I helped him clean and told him that it was time to go talk to his family since they were in the living room with Gavi. I kissed him and he left to go talk to them. Gavi came and helped me clean the rest.

Since the kitchen and the living room were pretty close, I could hear a little bit of the discussion between Pedri and his family.

"So familia, I hope you enjoyed dinner. Hum... I wanted to talk to you guys about something."

I guess his family nodded because I didn't hear anyone say anything. Gavi was still cleaning but didn't make too many sounds because he wanted to hear too.

"So...hum... What should I begin with?" Pedri said to himself.

I knew he was nervous. I wished I could help him but he told me he wanted to do this alone and I accept his choice.

"You have met Sarah. You know how she is and what she lived through. Really hard times that no one can imagine. The only person that is left for her is me. Of course, don't take it wrong Gavi is still present for her but you understand what I mean. I am not only her best friend but her lover too. With that, Xavi is trying his best to separate me and Sarah. When we are going to come back from the World Cup, the coach said that I can't be in a relationship with Sarah if we are not married or he will kick us both out of the team. Mom, Dad, that will ruin my career and Xavi doesn't even care about the girl he is supposed to treat as a daughter just because she has a relationship with me."

Pedri took a break so his family could digest all the information he just said.

"Now, you guys might know that Sarah is my everything. I know I haven't known her for years but the moment she entered my life, I knew I couldn't let go. Since the first time I saw her, I told you guys about her and I haven't done that with anyone in my life before. Sarah is my first love. She is my soulmate. Maybe you guys don't get it but try to understand how much I love this girl. I know that Sarah would leave me just because she doesn't want me to lose my career but Xavi can't separate us because I will not be able to breathe without her."

"Pedri" his mom said in a lower voice.

"The topic that I wanted to talk to you about is that the only option I have is to marry her. We are not obligated to do a real marriage because I know we are young. I know. But when we come back from the world cup, the plan is to go sign marriage papers and make it official. So if Xavi wants to kick us out he will not be able to. And a few years later, we can do a real marriage and invite everyone to it. But I need your approval."

His family didn't say a word for a good minute. Gavi stopped cleaning and took my hand into his. We were both as stressed as Pedri must be.

"Pedri, listen, son. I know you love Sarah but are you sure that's the right decision? You are really young and you might think that Sarah is the love of your life right now until you find someone else" his father said.

Those words broke my heart because I could imagine Pedri with someone else.

"Dad, please. I love Sarah that it hurts. That's how much I am in love with her" Pedri said.

Meant to meet ❤️‍🩹|| PedriWhere stories live. Discover now