First game day

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Yesterday at training, I talked to Gavi each break we had. We even went to eat lunch together but Ferran joined us. I asked Pedri if he wanted to come too but he said no while looking at his shoes. He couldn't even look me in the eyes. That's why I didn't want him to know about my past. For the rest of the training, Pedri avoided me. Ferran was always following me around and Gavi tried to stay nearby. I even had to leave the field to go into my office so Ferran could leave me alone. When I was in my office, I thought about Pedri. I looked at him on the poster on my wall and his smile made me smile. I wish I was as close to Pedri as I am with Gavi. I hoped that Pedri wouldn't say anything to his other friends. I don't really know him so I don't know how he is really. If I can trust him or not.

Today was game day. My first game day. I knew how the schedule was and how it will go but I was stressed for the team. The game wasn't here in Barcelona. We had to go to another city that was two hours drive from here. The team had their own bus to drive them there. At first, I thought Xavi and I were going to take his car but he instead told me that we were going with the team over there. It was early in the morning when we went to our stadium to meet everyone and take the bus. I boarded the bus and saw two empty seats in the middle of it. I sat in the one next to the window and waited for Gavi to come to sit next to me. Pedri and he hadn't arrived yet. I for sure thought that Gavi was going to sit next to me, when Ferran, Gavi and Pedri boarded the bus. It had to be Ferran who ran to the seat next to mine to sit in it. I looked at Gavi who yelled:

"Noo! Ferran! I wanted to sit there."

Ferran started laughing at Gavi and made fun of him. Gavi also laughed and look at me in my eyes to make sure I was okay. For Pedri though, when he saw Ferran's reaction he froze, then looked at his shoes. He didn't seem okay. There was something bothering him. Pedri and Gavi sat next to each other in the diagonal seats in front of us. During the whole bus ride, I listened to music in my headphones and was staring at Pedri. There were a few moments when he turned around and we made eye contact. Ferran tried to talk to me and make conversation but I wasn't paying any attention.

When we finally arrived at the stadium, there were so many fans screaming outside. I wasn't allowed to get off the bus next to one of the players because the fans could make up so many fake stories. So I left the bus before any of the players with Xavi. Security guards were trying to stop the fans from coming near us. When we entered the stadium, we waited next to the door for the team.

Pedri's POV:

This is messed up. Ferran sitting next to Sarah. At least Gavi could had sit next to her. I'm sure Sarah is glad to be next to Ferran. I turned around a few times to look at them and she seemed happy to be next to him. We made eye contact maybe 3 times and the rest of the times,she was looking out the window peacefully or looking at Ferran.

"Why do you keep turning around to look at her?"asked me Gavi while whispering.

"Because I want to."

I saw a smile form on his face.

"Why are you smiling like that?" I asked while starting to laugh.

"Because I want to."

I started laughing with Gavi. I always have been so thankful to have this brother in my life. The night when Sarah came to our house, Gavi came into my room and asked me why did I leave so suddenly when Sarah started crying. I told him everything. How I felt from the beginning until now. He told me that maybe I had feelings for this girl but I kept denying it. He told me that he sees it but Sarah doesn't. He also told me that she cares about me and every time she wants to talk to me, Ferran stops her. I thought about this situation a lot since I talked to Gavi and I kinda see that Sarah cares about me but she always does something that proves it wrong.

Meant to meet ❤️‍🩹|| PedriWhere stories live. Discover now