Meant to meet

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"Let me explain, mi vida, please" he said trying not to cry.

His eyes were watering and I was crying just like before.

"There...there is nothing to explain" I tried to say.

I felt Pedri get close to me and he grabbed my face gently so I could look at him. I immediately removed his hands rudely and stepped back.

"Don't you dare touch me" I yelled.

My pain was transforming into anger. Pedri looked destroyed but I didn't care. I didn't care anymore.

"Sarah, please, I...I didn't mean to" he said while crying.

I never saw Pedri like this before. I turned my face away from him while he was still talking and I continued putting clothes in my bag.

"I love you, he yelled while trying to stop me from what I was doing."

"Love" I yelled. "Love? What is love for you, Pedri? Lying to me for months, for almost a year" I yelled. "This is not love, this is nothing."

Tears were dropping from his eyes and mine too. He put his hand on his forehead and started panicking.

" can't leave me, Sarah. We...we are married" Pedri said with a shaky voice.

I closed my bag while he was trying to stop me and I yelled:

"Oh I can leave this marriage since nothing was real. It was only papers that we both signed to not lose our jobs but you don't have to worry about that since I resigned a long time ago."

" nothing was real. Our love, it was all fake?" Pedri asked me while still panicking.

"You answer me!" I yelled while pushing him away from me. "I can tell you that our marriage wasn't real. It was only on paper."

I grabbed my bag and tried to leave the room but Pedri blocked the entry. I tried to push him again but he was stronger than me. I couldn't push him more. I just started crying and he wrapped his arms around me and whispered:

"I am so sorry. Please don't do this to me. I love you too much for that. We can work this out."

I pushed him away and when I did, he looked me in the eyes and I slapped him. My hand... I couldn't control the anger but slapped Pedri. He turned his face away from me and was denying what just happened. I looked at my hand also in denial of what I just did. I would have never touched Pedri in my life but I just did. We stayed in silence for a few seconds.

"So, that's how much I hurt you?" he asked me without even looking into my eyes.

"You told a random girl about my deepest secret."

"She was my girlfriend!" Pedri yelled.

"And I am your wife!"

He looked into my eyes still in denial. That's it. I lost Pedri and he lost me. We looked at each other for a good minute in silence. I wished none of that happened. I wish I could kiss him right now and go back to the way it always has been between us.

"You promised to never hurt me" I said.

"And you promised to never leave me" he said.

We both looked into each other's eyes. We were still so in love but our love turned into a dark world.

"I guess we are both liars" I said.

Pedri didn't remove his eyes from mine until I left the room. The silence was loud. The tears meant everything. I ran downstairs and heard Pedri tell himself no each time I was getting far from him.

Meant to meet ❤️‍🩹|| PedriWhere stories live. Discover now