"I am sorry"

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Pedri was at training today and I was home reviewing some brands and pictures of a modelling shoot I did recently after we came back from our vacation. It had been now two months since that week. I was trying to finish up my work because I knew Pedri was going to get back home soon and I loved spending the rest of the day with him without worrying about my work. It was our usual routine. If I didn't have work during the day, I would attend his training and watch him perform.

I jumped from my chair when someone knocked at the door because I was so focused on my work. Who could it possibly be? I walked to the front door. Did Pedri forget the keys to the house? That wouldn't make sense since he always has them on the key chain of his car keys. Hum. Maybe Sira wanted to come by but I thought she had work today.

I opened the door assuming that I was about to see a familiar face when I did saw one. But not from Barcelona. It was a familiar face from Madrid. Nicolás. My jaw dropped to the floor when our eyes met. What is he doing here? Confusion took place on my face. He started grinning and asked me:

"Aren't you going to let me in?'

"What do you want from me Nicolás?" I said with anger.

"You look adorable when you are mad." He said while passing next to me and getting into my house without my permission.

"What are you doing here Nicolás? If Pedri sees you, he will beat you the hell up."

"I missed you, my love." He said while completely ignoring what I just told him.

I got angrier. Is he drunk? Since when does he get to call me "my love"? Nicolás started walking around my house and making himself at home. He then sat comfortably on the couch and stared at me with a smile.

"Who do you think you are Nicolás?"

"You should say my name more often. I really love hearing it come from you. I missed hearing it from you."

That's enough. I grabbed my phone from the kitchen counter and was about to call Pedri when Nicolás came behind me and grabbed it from my hands. He then threw it far away from me on that same counter and held me with all his strength so I couldn't move. He was so close to me that I was trying my best to back away from him.

"Nicolás!" I yelled as loud as I can. "Stop"

He didn't listen to me and just got closer and closer until our noses were touching.

"I love you, Sarah. I f- love you so much. I missed everything about you. I missed you, okay?"

"I don't love you. Please, stop." I said while trying to fight back but I couldn't since he was holding me tightly.

"Shut up Sarah."

He was still getting closer to me.

"You are forcing me..."

I couldn't finish my sentence because he pressed his lips to mine. I hated everything about that kiss. It felt wrong. It was disgusting. I was still fighting back but Nicolás wasn't letting anything stop him until we heard:


Pedri's POV:

I was driving back home and I was excited to see my wife. When I arrived home, I was about to park my car when I saw someone else's car in my driveway next to Sarah's car. Who the hell is this? It was a car I never have seen here in my driveway. It wasn't a car of any of the boys, neither was Sira. I parked my car in the street and got out of it. Before I got into the house, I looked at the random car parked in my spot and saw the plaque from Madrid. What the...

I didn't think another second and I ran inside the house. I knew who it was and I knew how last time it ended. The second I opened the door, I saw my wife kissing this boy in our kitchen.

Meant to meet ❤️‍🩹|| PedriWhere stories live. Discover now