The first date

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A few days have passed since I saw Pedri and Amelia together. The training sessions were good. I was always taking notes on Pedri. I would sometimes tell him what I wrote and it was our only interaction. Gavi and I were really close now. We had a day off yesterday and we spent it together. We went into a restaurant and ate some amazing Spanish food. Sometimes I saw Pedri and Amelia together. Mostly during the breaks in the training sessions. Amelia was running the whole Instagram of the team and it was going well. She even came and talked to me one day about Pedri and how she is attracted to him. That of course made my heart break. Ferran was always near me. I seemed to be enjoying his presence more recently. We were hanging out a lot during the breaks. He would come to sit next to me and we would talk about different subjects. Pedri would look at us for a few seconds then move on.

Today was a big training session because in two days we have another game. Seeing Pedri didn't make me sad or hopeless because I just moved on from something that never existed. I didn't think about him that much and I tried to avoid him because I knew each eye contact would hurt me more and more.

When I entered the parking lot today, I saw Pedri talking in front of his car with Amelia. The second he saw me, he turned his head and looked at his phone. I parked my car next to his and got out.

"Hey Sarah. How are you today?"said Amelia full of joy.

"Hi Amelia. I'm good and you?" I said without even looking at Pedri.

My heart was burning at this point. Amelia took Pedri's hand for no reason and said:

"I'm really good."

I made a small smile and left to go to my office. I just wanted to cry. Ouch. The second I closed my office door, I started crying. All the pain from the other night came back. I was doing great this past week. I didn't even cry and now I am sobbing in my office.

Gavi had, later, a kitchen interview for a social media network. Amelia organized it for him. He was going to cook and answer questions that are asked by fans. He was nervous about this interview so he asked me to come to support him. Of course, I said yes.

The team did a few hours of training then Gavi and I left for his interview. The kitchen and the interview set were a few minutes' car drive from the stadium. I took my car and went with Gavi over there. He looked very nervous but I tried to help him calm himself. When we entered, Amelia was there and told us where to go. I waited for Gavi at the set behind the camera and I watched him do his interview while cooking. I knew that my presence helped him a lot. During his interview, I felt someone come near me. It was Pedri. He had an interview too after Gavi. I was debating on staying to watch him or going back to the stadium. When Gavi finished, he wanted to wait for his best friend so I had no choice other than to wait. Amelia was cheering Pedri and applauding for him. Pedri was smiling at her which made her feel happier. I was there watching both of them flirt. That's when Gavi took my hand and told me that we were going to leave. When we were leaving I saw Pedri look at me. I didn't even care anymore. I just wanted to get out of here.

Pedri's POV:

Sarah came with her Tesla this morning when I was outside with Amelia. She looked so cute in her outfit. I looked at her and Amelia started a conversation with her. Then for no reason, Amelia took my hand and that's when I knew I hurt Sarah. The look in her eyes made me break inside. Amelia literally took my hand just to show off in front of Sarah. Amelia and I never talked about a date or being in a relationship. She just flirts with me sometimes and I do the same.

In the cooking interview, Gavi was before me. Sarah was there supporting him. When I walked in, Amelia was so happy to see me. I made eye contact with Sarah, who turned back to watch Gavi. She seemed okay but I was just guessing. When it was my turn, Gavi and Sarah stayed watching me. Amelia didn't stop cheering me that Gavi took Sarah and left. I knew it was hard for him to decide because he has two friends he really cares about but I knew he made the right decision. Sarah needs him. She has no one other than him. My heart broke apart when I saw her eyes fill with water. I just wanted to run to her and give her the biggest hug. Tell her I am sorry and I want her to forgive me. But I couldn't. My career was on the line.

Meant to meet ❤️‍🩹|| PedriWhere stories live. Discover now