Gavi's house

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After I arrived home, I talked with Xavi about the game coming soon and he explained to me the rules and principles of it. I will be there looking at Pedri playing during the game and when he is not, I can watch and encourage the team. I can give him some comments on his game if I see something wrong. Also, I will be sitting in the front with Xavi and the rest of the team and that's such a privilege to be right on the field watching them play. I have met a few personal trainers, as well, that work with me. They all seem pretty nice too but most of them were older than me.

I prepared myself to go see Gavi. Xavi dropped me off at Gavi's house but before he let me leave, he asked me a question:

"Sarah, do you need a car? Do you want me to buy you one?"

I did want a car, in fact, but I wasn't gonna let Xavi buy me one even if he has the money too.

"No it's fine. Thank you, Xavi for the offer."

"Sarah listen to me. If it's only for the money, don't worry about it."

He looked into my eyes with a sincere smile. I could see that he wanted to do this for me.

"I can't accept your offer Xavi. I'm not comfortable doing this."

"Okay I understand. You know your parents were more than family to me. I always promised them to take care of you. I want you to have a car and be able to have more freedom. I want you to enjoy life at a young age. Let me think about an idea and we will talk later about that."

I accepted to talk to him later about this and got out of his car. Gavi's house was huge. I couldn't believe that he lives here all alone. It's so huge for one person. The house looked modern from the outside. I walked to the door and knocked on it. I waited a few seconds until Gavi opened the door and all of the sudden, I see Pedri right in front of me.

"What are you doing here?"I asked him while being so surprised.

"I live here, Sarah."

He lives where? What? Here? So, Gavi hid it all this time. Who else knew about that? I was in shock.

Pedri's POV:
Who could possibly be at the door at 7 pm? Of course, it had to be my personal trainer. Sarah. Why is she even here? Of course. Gavi's plan. He probably didn't tell Sarah that I live here, by the look she gave me when I opened the door. She was as in shock as I was to see her come to my house.

Sarah's POV:

Right. So now, Pedri and I are staring at each other. Both are in shock. I knew Gavi was up to something this whole time. Pedri let me in by moving from the front of the door and didn't say a word. I stepped into the house. The interior was gorgeous. There was a staircase right when you enter the house and everything looked modern inside. The lighting was bright and the house felt cozy. There was a wall of pictures of Gavi and Pedri in their jerseys and playing football. I looked at Pedri's smile in one of the pictures. He seemed so happy with Gavi. It makes sense if they live together. I turned around to face Pedri and asked him:

"Why did you leave the training early today?"

"Because. I wanted to."

"But why did you leave when you looked at me?"

"I don't know what you are talking about Sarah."

I got frustrated a little.

"I was with some members of the team and I stood up and Ferran took my hand and I looked at you. That's when you left."

"I really don't know what you are talking about. I just left because I did feel good. Are you happy now?"he told me and left the room to go to the kitchen.

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