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The day that we got back from France, I had a huge headache. I didn't feel good at all and didn't have the strength to get out of bed.

"Do you want to go to the doctor, mi amor" Pedri asked me while coming into the bed next to me.

"No it's fine. I just need to rest and I will feel better."

Pedri put his head on my stomach and wrapped his arms around me. I put my hands in his hair and played with them.

"I hate seeing you like this. I wish you can give me the pain."

"No babe, no mi vida. Even if I could, I would never. I hate seeing you in pain too" I said.

"I think we both love each other too much" he said while laughing.

I smiled because he was right. We were ready for anything for the other one to be healthy and happy.

"Tell me what makes you feel better? I can go make you soup, a recipe from my mother. She always did it for me when I was sick and it helped me a lot."

Pedri was about to leave when I said:

"No for now I just want you to stay here. Later you can make me soup but for now stay, please mi vida."

"Of course my love. Of course."

He stayed next to me holding me in his arms until I fell asleep for a few hours. When I woke, I smelled a good odour coming from downstairs. It had to be Pedri making me soup. Just thinking about it, it made me smile. Pedri was so caring. I never had that in my life. Never.

He came into the room with a tray. On it was a bowl of soup that looked delicious. My head was still hurting and I felt nauseous but it was less bad than before. Pedri sat next to me in the bed and helped me adjust myself so I could be comfortable eating. He filled the spoon with the soup and blew on it to make it cold since it was bowling hot. Then he fed me it. I looked into his eyes and felt so loved. Pedri was feeding me soup since I was so tired and sick and I couldn't do it.

"Thank you for caring about me. No one ever did" I said.

"Your parents?" he asked me.

I looked down at the bed thinking about the memories I had with them. Then I shook my head and said:

"They never really took care of me. I mean of course, when I was sick they would give me medication and help me get better but they were never there for me. There were so occupied with their jobs and sometimes it made me think if they really wanted me."

"What...what do you mean?" Pedri asked me confused.

"I always think that maybe I was an accident and my parents didn't want to have a child since they were always occupied. We had the image of a perfect family in front of everyone but we weren't. Yes, we never fought or anything like that but only because I would never see my parents enough to start a fight. Even when they were home, they were working or spending time together without thinking about me."

Pedri made me look into his eyes and pressed his lips to mine. I backed off quickly and said:

"Maybe we shouldn't kiss. I don't want you to get sick."

"I don't care" he whispered while kissing me even more. 

When he stopped, he said:

"I will always take care of you and make you forget your past. You will never have to think about the bad things, okay? Never."

I smiled and hugged him tightly.

"I wish I had met you earlier. I was in a dark space. My mental health was so bad, Pedri" I said.

Meant to meet ❤️‍🩹|| PedriWhere stories live. Discover now