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We sat back down next to each other on the couch and looked at each other. We were so close that we could kiss again at any moment. He put his fingers thru my hair and asked me:

"Mi amor, were you mad at me a few hours ago?"

I nodded. I wasn't able to look into his eyes because I was embarrassed. He lifted my chin so that my eyes met his. He kissed my lips and added:

"Can you tell me why?"

I nodded and said:

"The way you looked at me after that girl told you that she loves you, it's like you wanted to show me something or even prove me something. I don't know if it makes sense but the way you looked at me, I might be wrong, but that's how I interpreted it. Of course, also, I don't like when other girls are in love with you but I have to deal with it."

"Awww babe" Pedri said while smiling and getting closer to me to kiss me again. "I love when you are jealous" he said.

I rolled my eyes and started laughing.

"I am sorry if you thought that that's what I meant by the eye contact I gave you after what happened. I didn't mean it that way. I just wanted to see if you were going to get jealous because I love your jealousy" he said.

I grabbed his cheeks and he started laughing. I looked closely into his eyes and said:

"I hate being jealous. I feel like I lose you and you are supposed to be mine."

"Mi amor, mi vida, babe, trust me. I will always be the one running after you, okay? I won't leave you for anyone in this world. Don't forget soon we are going to get married and no one will ever separate us, okay my love" he said.

I love when Pedri tells me things like that.

"I love you more and more every day, Pedri González."

He smiled and pressed hard his lips to mine.

"I love you so much you have no idea, he said. Did I tell you that you look amazing in this dress? You always look gorgeous but today you are so attractive, I can't resist."

I smiled while he got even closer to me. He kissed me again and again until I had to stop because if not, it will never end.

"Come on, we should go downstairs for the team dinner. We are already a little bit late. Should we walk in together or..."

"No let them see us together. Xavi saw everything today. So what's the point of hiding it? He can start writing his papers and when the day will come to kick me out of Barca, I will have my papers to protect me and the love of my life forever" he said.

It's so cute. Pedri is so cute. I looked at him and the lines formed on his cheeks because of his smile. His nose was the cutest too. I loved when his cheeks get red or even when he would wink at me. I loved his smell and everything about him.

"Why are you looking at me like that" he said while smiling and laughing nervously.

"I am admiring every detail about you. I want to be able to close my eyes and still see you in front of me."

I closed my eyes and I felt Pedri pressing his lips to mine. I wanted to remember his kisses and his scent too. When I opened back my eyes, he was close to me. Our noses were touching and he said:

"Come on, let's go mi amor."

We got up from the couch and went downstairs. The team had reserved a big room to have dinner in. When we entered, the room was huge. It was dark with purple lighting. There were at least five long tables full of people. Pedri and I noticed his family sitting at the second table with Gavi and his family. We went to see them and we passed by Ferran. My heart stopped again when he looked at me. Pedri noticed but I held his hand to show him that it was okay so he wouldn't create a fight in front of everyone. We went and sat next to each other between Gavi and Pedri's brother. We were surrounded by families. I turned my head to look at the first table and saw Xavi looking at me. I was so mad, I couldn't keep looking at him because of what Ferran told me. I can't believe what Xavi did. How he betrayed me. How was I ever going to forgive him for that? It was the only thing I asked him to not say. Same for Pedri and Gavi.

Meant to meet ❤️‍🩹|| PedriWhere stories live. Discover now