Getting you

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Pedri's POV:

Gavi's phone rang at 1 am. I immediately sat down on the bed and waited for him to answer. He put the call on speaker and it was the coach.

"Hey Gavi, tell Pedri I found Sarah. I will send you guys the address of the hotel. The man that I talked to told me that Sarah collapsed when she arrived there. She was very tired and they helped her get into a room."

I stood up and my heart was beating so fast. Xavi found her. Xavi found Sarah.

"Listen to me carefully Gavi. Don't do anything stupid or Pedri. Sarah is maybe sleeping right now so at least go tomorrow morning, okay? I don't want this situation to mess up the game in three days."

"Yes coach, thank you" Pablo answered.

Xavi then sent us the address of the hotel and I looked up where it was. It wasn't too far but I wanted to go right now. I wanted to see my wife now.

"Are you crazy, Pedri? We are not going now. What if Sarah is sleeping? What will you do? Go sleep next to her?" Gavi yelled at me.

"Yes. Yes, I will. I am crazy when Sarah is not with me, okay?"

I grabbed my things and left the house. Of course, Gavi followed me. I drove for a few minutes which felt like hours. Then we finally arrived at an old hotel in the middle of nowhere. Gavi and I entered the hotel and went to the front desk. A young male was working and said:

"Hi, how can I help you?"

"I am searching for my wife...Sarah González. Someone probably called you about her. She was very tired when she arrived here" I told the man.

"Yes, I know, who you are talking about. Miss Sarah passed out and I helped her to her room and made sure she was fine. I will go check on her to tell her that you arrived."

This man started pissing me off. Why is he acting like that, damnit? Gavi saw my anger and told the man:

"You don't have to check on her. We can. She is our family and you don't even know her."

"I am sorry, I can't let visitors come like this in the middle of the night especially since your friend came in in a bad state" the man told me.

I got so angry and started yelling at him:

"Maybe you should care more about your work and let my wife alone. Do you hear me? She is my wife, not my friend. Now give me her room number now!"

Gavi held my arm because I was so close to punching that man in the face. He looked at me in a scared way and immediately gave me Sarah's room number. I ran to the elevator with Gavi and while we were in it he told me:

"Calm down Pedri. Being mad won't do anything good to your relationship. You have to give space to Sarah. She needs it."

My heart was still beating so fast and I was stressing so much.

"I...I can't Pablo. I love her so much. I can't lose her."

He hugged me and said:

"I know. I know. But Sarah loves you as much as you love her. Your relationship is stronger than that. You will not lose her, just give her time."

I nodded and when we arrived at Sarah's floor, I thought of a plan. It was too late in the night for me to just enter her room. I didn't even have the key to the room so I wasn't going to wake her up.

"What are you going to do?"Gavi asked me when we arrived at Sarah's door.

"I...I don't know" I said.

Meant to meet ❤️‍🩹|| PedriWhere stories live. Discover now