The next day

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Yesterday when I got back home, I spent the rest of the evening talking with Xavi about each player on the team, so I can get to know them better. He told me how Gavi is the funniest one and that he acts a lot like a child but that's what's great about him. Pedri was the serious and fun one on the team. When it's time to be serious, he does it well. Xavi told me about the other players also but I didn't pay too much attention to what he was saying because I was still thinking of you know who. No need to say his name.

Today, I woke up early and was ready to go to work. I felt motivated surprisingly. It had been a long time since I had that feeling. When Xavi and I arrived at the stadium, I saw a dark green mini Cooper parked next to our car. I didn't realize that someone was in the car until I got close to the window. Pedri was there. Waiting for me to move between our cars so he can open the door of his. I stepped back and felt so embarrassed about what just happened but I tried to hide my embarrassment when Xavi came next to me.

"Hello Pedri, how are you today?"said Xavi

"I'm good thank you, Coach."

He looked at me and said:

"Hi Sarah. Can we talk in your office before training starts?"

"Yeah. Of course."

We walk inside with Xavi, then we separate ways. Xavi went into his office and Pedri and I went to mine. I don't know what he wants to talk about especially since we just arrived here. When I was thinking about it, I had a realization that maybe Pedri waited in his car until I arrived with Xavi, so he could talk to me. Wait, no. That couldn't be possible. I just erased the possibility of my mind.

"Hum, says Pedri."

I was so confused at this point.

"What's up?"

"Did you take notes on my performance yesterday?"

What a random question. Why does he even care?

"Yes, I did. Do you want to see them?"

"Sure. Yeah."

I open my desk drawer to get my notepad to show Pedri the notes I took yesterday when I hear him say my name:


I looked up at him. His eyes were shining a little bit. I continued looking at him. No. Admiring him, when someone opened the door suddenly without knocking.

"Hello! Wow. Pedri. Man, what are you doing here?"

It was Ferran Torres. I saw Pedri's mood shift so fast. Okay. What is actually happening? It's only my second day doing this job and it's already been so crazy.

"What are you doing here Ferran?" said Pedri while starting to clench his jaw.

Ferran smiled and said:

"I didn't have the chance to speak to this beautiful lady here."

What the actual heck is happening now? Did he call me beautiful? I make eye contact with Pedri. Not only his mood change but the shine in his eyes disappeared too. Pedri was looking at me for a reaction so I awkwardly laughed and Ferran gave me a cute smile. Pedri was not happy at all. He didn't have any reaction. He stayed serious.

"Ok then. I'll let you two alone"said Pedri.

"No wait Pedr..."

He closed the door before I even had the time to finish my sentence. Why is he so mad? And also why did he say my name and never finished his sentence?

Pedri's POV:
This morning, I purposely parked my car next to the coach's spot. I waited until he came with Sarah because I wanted to see her since yesterday. I don't know what's happening with me since the first time my eyes met hers, but I couldn't stop thinking about her. I'm not searching for any type of relationship right now or in the near future. The only relationship I am focusing on is between me and football. When I saw Xavi and Sarah arriving at the stadium, I couldn't stop smiling until Sarah looked at me from my window. I was kinda nervous to see her and it was the first time in a while that I haven't felt that. I invented an excuse to see her more and talk to her in private in her office. She was really looking good today and I liked the way she was looking at me with her pretty brown sparkling eyes. The talk with her went well until Ferran came in without even knocking on the door. That really pissed me off. Sarah gave him attention and was laughing with him so I clearly understood what was going on. She doesn't act like this with me but with Ferran she did. So I just left the office without saying goodbye. I heard her scream my name but I didn't even care at that point.

Meant to meet ❤️‍🩹|| PedriWhere stories live. Discover now