Second game day

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Today was the second game day. The team had to take a bus to another city for a few hours. I took my car because I didn't want to deal with the Pedri and Torres drama. Gavi came with me so I wouldn't stay alone the whole drive. We mostly talked and sang songs. When we arrived, the team's bus was filled with paparazzi around them. I saw Pedri trying to get off the bus, but it was so hard. The security guard tried to push everyone away. It got so crazy.

"I'm glad I am not over there" said Gavi.

"I know. I'm glad too."

We got out of the car and entered the stadium from another door. I left Gavi in the changing room and I went to the field and sat in my chair. The crowd was insane especially when the teams entered the field. The game went well and we ended up winning 2-1. Gavi scored one of the goals. I was so proud of him. After the game, Gavi and I started jumping because of how much we were excited about his goal. Then he went and joined the team's celebration in the boy's changing room so I left. I was about to leave the stadium when I heard:

"Sarah! Wait."

Pedri. I wish it was you. I turned my back and saw Ferran running to me. He had all his bags and was ready to go with me back home.

"Can I come with you, Sarah?"

"Of course."

I texted Pablo and Xavi that Ferran was leaving with me so they would know. I took my car and we left back home. During the ride, Ferran didn't stop asking me to go on a second date with him. This time, he wanted to go to the movies. I accepted and he got again super excited.

Pedri's POV:

I was so proud of my boy. He is going to be one of the greatest players in this world. He has so much talent at a young age. When we boarded back the bus to go back home, I realized that Ferran was missing. Where did he go? I asked Gavi and he told me that he got a text message from Sarah that said that Torres left with her. I was so mad. I couldn't believe after everything that happened, she continued to talk to him. I can't believe Sarah. Why is she doing this?

Sarah's POV:

When we arrived in Barcelona, I brought Ferran to his home. He asked me to come inside with him but I refused because I was really tired of the drive. I went back home and chilled on the couch for a while until I heard a knock on the door. It was probably Xavi who didn't have the house key but when I opened the door, I saw Pedri. What is he doing here?

"Hey. Can I come in?" he asked.

He looked mad. I didn't understand why. I let him in and we went into the living room. We both sat down next to each other and I looked into his eyes. I always wished that Pedri was the one in my car today, driving together for a few hours. Every time I look into his eyes I escape the world. I really feel safe with him.

"Is it true?" he asked.

"What are you talking about?" I asked confused.

"You and Torres? Today?"

That's why he is mad.

"Yes. Hum, we drove back together here."

I felt ashamed. I could barely look into Pedri's eyes but I knew I had to remain strong. Don't let Pedri control your life decisions, Sarah.

"But why?"he asked.

"Because I wanted to and he wanted also. Listen Pedri, I like Ferran. I really do. We even went on the date last time and we are going to go to another one tomorrow."

Pedri looked destroyed on the inside. It's like he stopped trusting me. He stood up and said:

"You... you did what? Sarah, don't you remember what you told me? How you felt about Ferran because of your father. You..."

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