What the hell

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It had been hours now that I was sitting on the floor. Pedri texted me a few times so we could talk about work but I wasn't able to answer. He also was worried because he searched for me in the stadium and couldn't find me. Gavi also spammed me with calls. I didn't want to scare them but I couldn't move. My body couldn't move. The only thing I was capable of doing is thinking about my past. I could only see the bad memories of my mother and my father. After a few minutes, I was able to open my phone and find a picture of my family. I needed to see them again. Tears weren't stopping dropping from my eyes. I missed them. I wanted them.

I looked at the time. It was 6 pm. The time has passed so fast. I was still in my position crying on this stupid floor. I heard Xavi open the door of the house and there wasn't just him. He was talking with other people. I heard someone run up the stairs and yell my name:

"Sarah please Sarah, open the door."

It was Pedri. Pedri came. I couldn't open the door. I couldn't look at him after everything I have done. I couldn't.

"Please just unlock the door, my love. Please" he said.

His voice was lower. I felt like Pedri was sitting against the door from his side. Then he said:

"I am going to wait here until you open that door. I am not leaving" he said.

"Pedri. Leave. You have an important game coming soon. Go rest for it" I said.

"I don't f- care about my game. I care about you, okay? I won't leave until you open that door."

"Please leave. Please. What you are doing now, for me, is ruining your career."

"Just open the door and we will talk about this. I need to see you first" he said.

I unlocked the door and pushed myself next to it so he can open the door. He came in running. He saw me on the floor and stopped breathing for a second. I couldn't look into his eyes. My family's picture was still open on my phone and I was staring at it. Pedri sat down next to me and asked me:

"What happened? You are not like that because of my career. Something else happened today. What is it?"

How did he know that? I looked into his eyes and started sobbing. He didn't even think twice and immediately hugged me. When Pedri hugged me, it felt like my parents were hugging me. I needed that. He was the only one who could make a hug feel like theirs.

"I feel like I am hugging my parents" I told him.

He smiled with tears dropping from his eyes.

"I will forever hug you when you want to" he said.

I hugged him again tighter than ever.

"Tell me what happened?" he asked.

"I will tell you but I want you to promise me that you won't leave until I tell you, you can. Okay?" I asked.

He nodded. I told him the story and how I felt. The second he heard what Ferran did he wanted to go and beat him up but then I told him about the promise he did to me.

"I am sorry that he did that to you. You don't deserve this. I promise you, you don't."

He stood up and asked me to grab his hand. So I did. He took me to my bed so I could lie down and he sat next to me and played with my hair. He even got closer to smell them and said:

"I love your odour so much."

I looked at him and made a small smile. He smiled back. His eyes were still shining just like before. I loved looking into them. I put my hand on his cheek and got closer to him. I traced with my fingers the lines on his face. Then I suddenly stopped because I remembered what Xavi told me the other night. Pedri stopped smiling and looked into my eyes.

Meant to meet ❤️‍🩹|| PedriWhere stories live. Discover now