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These past few days have been long and hard. I was seeing Pedri less and less because my work was piling up fast. I was mostly all the time in my office and when I was in the field, I was looking at Koundé play. Xavi kept giving me new talks every time I finished one and they kept getting harder. Sometimes I looked at Pedri but he was occupied with football. I was glad that he was focusing on his career since that's the only thing I wanted from him. His skills were improving and I was proud of him. Pablo and I were spending all our free time together when we had the opportunity to. The team had a few games coming up soon after the award show in France so they had to prepare for that.

Today was the photo shoot for the clothing brand with my husband. I was excited and nervous at the same time since it was my first time shooting for a brand. Pedri explained to me how it worked because he already had done one in the past. He reassured me and told me how fun it is. We arrived on set a few hours before the shooting so that they could get us ready. Two women were working on me. One was doing my hair and the other one was doing my makeup. Pedri was sitting in the chair next to mine and was also getting ready by another woman. They all asked us questions about how Pedri and I met and our love story until they finished getting us ready. I looked at myself in the mirror and my face was glowing. Pedri looked as attractive as always. He was looking at me with admiration, it was even more attractive. They told us we were going to take pictures in three different outfits but the pictures were all going to be different. They gave me my first outfit that was really casual: a pair of blue jeans with a cute white top and a winter jacket. I loved my outfit so much. When I got out of the changing room, Pedri was waiting for me. He was wearing a pair of black cargo jeans with a shirt that didn't show because of the jacket he wore over it. I loved my husband's outfit. It did look a lot like a winter outfit and it felt so cozy. When he saw me, he was amazed and had a huge smile on his face. It made me realize again how lucky I am to have him.

"Wow" Pedri said.

I smiled even more and the workers were watching us and smiling.

"You guys are so cute, one of them said."

Pedri was walking towards me and when he got close, he pressed his lips on my cheek. I blushed because he did that in front of everyone and they were all watching us but I couldn't help myself and smile even more because I loved Pedri's kisses.

A worker then guided us onto the set for the photo shoot. There was one camera and the rest was lights everywhere. The workers were all watching and making sure we didn't need a retouch for our hair or makeup. Now that was the stressful part of posing and taking the pictures. There were going to be pictures of me alone, Pedri alone and us together. They first started with the pictures of me and Pedri together. It was really romantic. Pedri and I had to be close the whole time and we did a few poses of us looking at each other with our "in love" eyes. I loved the pictures when I first saw them. Then I did my pictures alone. Pedri was watching me with those eyes. I did a few different poses and they told me it was perfect. One of the workers asked me why I am not a model. They suggested that it was the best job for me but I told them that I haven't really thought about that. Ever. When Pedri's turn came, I was behind the camera looking at him. He looked so attractive with his handsome smile. It made me fall even more in love with my husband.

The next two outfits went the same way. They did a few changes to my makeup but that was it. I was glad that Pedri and I had a day off today to experience our first photo shoot together because I truly loved the experience. The results were amazing and everyone was excited to publish the pictures for the world to see them.

We were both exhausted when we came back home. We ate dinner and we're so ready to go to bed early. Before we went upstairs to go to sleep, I checked my emails in case I received something and saw an email from Xavi that he sent not even a few hours ago. I opened it and read that he wanted me to write a report for tomorrow morning about Koundé. A full-on report of at least 10 pages that needed to correspond exactly to his directive.

Meant to meet ❤️‍🩹|| PedriWhere stories live. Discover now