The aftermath

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Pedri's POV:
If I see Ferran, I promise he will regret coming in my way. This boy doesn't deserve shit after what he did to Sarah.

Yesterday when she knocked at the door, I had such a weird feeling. Someone knocking at the door at 1 am, who could it possibly be? When I opened the door and saw her, my heart stopped beating for a second. I couldn't even feel my heart. I knew it was shattered. I couldn't even say a word for a few seconds. Even Pablo who was behind me was shocked too. Who did this to my love? Who could do this to her? I felt the tears come from my eyes. Sarah was already crying so much and the only thing she said was sorry. I immediately started yelling and hugged her so tightly. I knew I couldn't let go. She fainted in my arms so I lifted her to the couch until she woke up. When she told me it was Ferran who did it, I could only see red. Gavi suddenly left the house and I knew he was going to go beat the f out of the guy. I wanted to go with Gavi to protect him if Ferran did anything to him but I couldn't because I needed to stay with Sarah. I cleaned her wounds and injuries. We were both crying so much. I want to spend the rest of my life with this girl but I can't and now I have to see her broken like that and I can't do anything about it. I couldn't stop crying when I saw her stomach all red. I couldn't stand it anymore. It was too much for me.

We then went into my room and she changed into some of my clothes. We heard Pablo at the front door so we went and saw him. He was also injured and I was again so mad. I knew he had done this for his best friend, Sarah. We all made a plan to not tell Xavi and tell him that Sarah fell down the stairs. She didn't want to reveal the truth to the coach so he doesn't kick out Ferran even if he deserves to.

When we went to bed, I gave my room to Sarah because I wanted her to feel at peace. I went and slept next to Gavi. I slept until I heard a noise coming from my room. Sarah was yelling "Ferran stop" and she was crying. I knew what was happening. She has a nightmare about him so I woke her up and she immediately came into my arms. She was trembling so much, I couldn't let her go. We ended up sleeping next to each other and she was hugging me the whole time. When she fell asleep, I watched for a while. This girl was gorgeous and had such a good heart. I loved playing with her hair. I wished nothing of that happened. I wish I could erase all the pain she has lived through since day one. I wish she could give it all to me so she doesn't have to suffer that much.

When I woke up, she was the one watching me sleep. We were so close that our noses were touching. I laughed because I watched her last night and now it's her watching me. Sarah seemed like she wanted to be happy or smile but she couldn't. She just couldn't. She was so broken she couldn't do anything. I wanted her to be okay. I wanted to find a solution to help her but there was nothing really that I could've done.

Gavi came into the room and Sarah jumped away from me. Pablo knew everything so it wasn't a surprise for him. Sarah didn't want to leave the bed. She couldn't leave the bed. I knew what I had to do. I was going to stay with her until she feels better even if Xavi kicks me out of the team. I want him to know that I am doing this for Sarah.

Sarah's POV:
Gavi had just left for training and Pedri and I stayed together. We were still in bed facing each other closely. I put my hand on his cheek and got closer to him. He smiled and I could feel the way his cheeks moved upward during his smile. It was adorable. His big eyes were brown with a little tint of green. I wanted to feel even closer to Pedri so I moved again toward him. He wasn't saying anything other than watching me and playing with my hair.

"Pedri" I said with a lower voice getting close to him even more.

He did the same. Got closer to me even if there wasn't any space left between us. Then my phone rang. That ruined our moment. I picked it up and showed Pedri that it was Xavi calling me.

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