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We walked to my office hand in hand. It felt good to be able to do that without having to worry about who was watching us. When we arrived inside, Pedri put his ring on his finger and I did the same with mine. I looked at it and smiled. Pedri then kissed my cheek and said:

"How are you feeling?"

"I am fine, it's just I feel like I had to say everything to Xavi like, I had to explode."

I laughed and so did Pedri because we thought of Pablo's joke about the bomb.

"You did the right thing. You defended yourself and that's good, okay?" Pedri asked me.

I nodded and kissed his cheek.

"I want to post on my story first" I said with excitement.

"You are ready for that" Pedri asked me.

"I am so ready and you?" I said.

"Like never before. I have a better idea than a story. What if we both post the same thing like a common post? We post one of the photos of our hands with the rings together and the other one is us at the wedding or in Paris" Pedri said with a big smile.

"We should do the three of them" I said while jumping everywhere.

I wanted the world to know. I was too excited about that. Pedri and I chose the three pictures and were about to publish our common post on Instagram with the caption saying "married to the love of my life " with a red heart emoji.

"People are going to freak out" I said.

"I know" Pedri said while smiling.

We did a countdown from 3 and posted the pictures.

"It's done. We did it" Pedri said with his huge smile.

I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him. It's official now. I can walk outside holding my husband's hand into mine and be free in front of the whole world. Pedri and I stayed next to each other for a while trying to process what we just did. We were still smiling and then we were about to check our phones to see all of the reactions of the supporters when Gavi entered my office, holding his phone up with the biggest smile. He was jumping everywhere so Pedri and I couldn't see what was on the phone. I grabbed Gavi's phone from his hand while laughing at him and saw the pictures that Pedri and I posted on a news website.

"Oh my god" I said while showing the phone to Pedri.

His smile grew even bigger. I was still giggling. It felt unreal.

"No way! Already" he said with excitement.

-"Guysss I need to know the details now. What happened?" Pablo asked while still jumping everywhere.

Pedri explained everything to Pablo until it was time for us to leave my office and go back to work. The three of us were still smiling the whole time we walked to the pitch. When we arrived there, Pedri and I were holding hands and saw the whole team clap their hands. I looked at Pedri who was as confused as I was. It had to be Gavi who told everyone about Pedri and me and wanted to surprise us. He looked so proud of us so I hugged him and thanked him.

"It's nothing, Sarah. You deserve a happy ending with Pedri" Pablo whispered.

I hugged him tighter and Pedri joined our hug. I looked around and everyone was still clapping and telling us congratulations.

"One day you will be all invited to the real wedding" Pedri yelled.

I laughed and nodded and everyone started laughing or yelling with happiness. I didn't see Xavi between everyone so he was probably still in his office shattered. We then all talked for a few minutes and explained how we decided to get married without saying the Xavi reason. We just said we were in love and it was true. Then everyone went back to work and I sat down in my chair waiting for Koundé to talk to him. He came forward to me with a smile.

Meant to meet ❤️‍🩹|| PedriWhere stories live. Discover now