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Pedri's POV:

I didn't expect my day to end this way. I first woke up with Gavi showing me a picture of the girl I love that left me a year ago, kissing another man in Madrid and now Sarah is sleeping peacefully next to me in a hospital room. If I told this to someone, they wouldn't believe me for a second. They would probably think I am crazy. All month, I have been preparing myself for today's game because it was my moment to show the world my power but I think I showed it a little bit too much since now I am recovering from surgery.

I did everything in my power to stop that goal. I remember looking around me and noticing that I was the only one close to the other player trying to score but I knew I was still far from him and if he kicked the ball, it was mostly going to score a goal. I tried to run as fast as I could but when I saw the player kick the ball, I thought of one thing: slide onto the field so that I could try to reach the ball before the goal does. My idea was brilliant and it worked until I sacrificed myself for that goal. I just remember hitting something so hard and within a second my stomach hurt so much. I knew that I threw myself in the direction of the goal so I knew I had hit the post. After that moment, I only remember waking up a few times and being in a different setting each time. I had never been as confused as I was.

Everything was clearer after I woke up from surgery and my parent explained to me what had happened. They even showed me a video of me and it looked painful and I can agree that it was. I was happy to see my family, Gavi and the coach waiting for me after surgery even if it was late at night.

The big moment happened after a few minutes. The room felt weird. It felt like my family was hiding something from me. I expected anything but not to see my wife standing in front of me in tears. My heart was beating so fast that you could see it on the monitor. At first, when Gavi showed me the messages from Sarah in my bad state, I thought it was a dream when I woke up from surgery. I couldn't contain myself and started crying with joy when I saw my love. War was over, I thought. She was coming back to me and this time ai will never lose her again. I will never break her trust or make her cry. She was my everything and during this past year, my life meant nothing without her.

Later on, when Sarah told me about how she was doing in Madrid, it broke my heart. I never thought that she was broken as much as I was. I never thought she felt my pain. We were both so broken and the only way to heal completely was with each other.

Sarah's POV:

I haven't slept that well in a year, and I am serious. Sleeping in Pedri's arms was the only thing I want in life. I missed it so much. Of course, yesterday night when I got back into the room, I told Pedri's family to go back home and rest. Pedri didn't want me to leave and I was glad he didn't since I didn't want to leave either. So he moved onto the side of the bed, once again, to let me lay next to him in his arms and we both fell asleep quickly. I was careful to not put pressure on his body since he was recovering from surgery and had a pretty big scar on his belly. Each time I saw it, it made my heart ache.

I stared at Pedri for several minutes until he woke up. It was already about 10 am. I remembered during the night, there were a few doctors and nurses that rounded to check on Pedri. There was another nurse who just entered the room and smiled at me when she saw me. I smiled back and moved away from Pdri so she can have a better look at his scar.

Pedri was slowly waking up and when he fully opened his eyes he looked around and he smirked when our eyes met. I wasn't in the bed anymore. I was sitting in a chair next to him while the nurse asked Pedri if it was alright to touch the injured area on his body. Pedri of course nodded and I held his hand while the nurse was touching his scar to check on it. It was really bad that I couldn't even look at it. My boy did look in pain but was trying to hide it from me. Then the nurse said:

Meant to meet ❤️‍🩹|| PedriWhere stories live. Discover now