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Pedri's POV:

I have never been as broken as I am right now. I just saw the girl that I thought was the love of my life, give up on me completely after a mistake I made. Love should be stronger than that but maybe for her, love never existed between us.

I don't know how I was able to walk to Gavi's room but when I got in, the chaos started.

"What happened" Pablo said while running to me.

I didn't say a word. I looked straight in front of me and anger was the only thing I thought of. I started breaking everything I saw in front of me. Every single thing. Gavi tried to stop me but I pushed him away multiple times until I didn't have the strength anymore and sat on the floor. I sobbed like a child while Gavi was trying to understand what happened.

After a few minutes, I got the ring that Sarah gave me back from my pocket and showed it to Gavi. He stopped breathing for a second and looked at me in denial. I stood up and walked to the balcony outside and threw the ring out somewhere far away. Gavi couldn't stop me from doing it. It was too late.

I never thought this day would come but it did. It certainly did. My brain couldn't think about anything else in this world. I just wanted to destroy the world and remove the existence of Sarah from my head.

"Love is like a movie, Pablo, it always ends."

Gavi was still in denial. But I wasn't because I saw the reality this time.

" that's it" Gavi said.

"I told you, it always has an ending. Let's go" I told him.

"Where? It's 10 in the morning."

"I'm dropping you off and I'm going to the bar" I told him.

"I'm not leaving you alone. Are you crazy?" he asked me.

"I already told you, Pablo. I'm crazy. Yes."

We left the hotel as fast as we could and dropped Gavi back home. He insisted on coming with me but I told him it was for the better if he didn't and of course, I promised him that I wouldn't do anything stupid.

Sarah's POV:

I was still sitting on my bed. It had been hours now. But what could I do more? I was staring at the wall thinking about what I just told Pedri. Is he going to forgive me and move on? Am I going to be able to love someone else as much as I loved this boy? Is it even possible? I was still legally married to Pedri and he was still my husband until we actually divorce. Are we going to divorce? Does Pedri hate me that much?

I laid back in bed and watched the ceiling this time. I felt tears drop from my eyes but I didn't have the strength to wipe them.

Pedri's POV:

Getting drunk helped me a lot more. I felt better the second the alcohol started kicking in.

F- this all at this point. There is nothing to look forward to in life anymore since I lost my everything. I told her that I hate her and that wasn't true.

I started drinking at around 11 am and finished at 1 am. I met a few new girls but honestly, I don't remember them. I just remember crying a few times and missing Sarah more than ever.

I then decided to call her. Many times, she did not answer. She hates me, I told myself while drinking another shot.

Sarah's POV:
I was still in the same position, staring at the same point. I hadn't moved at all. The only time I did is when I received a call at 1 am. That's weird. He was the one telling me he hates me and now he is calling me late at night. That wasn't normal. My phone rang for so long so I thought for sure that there was an emergency.

Meant to meet ❤️‍🩹|| PedriWhere stories live. Discover now