Come backs

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Today was Pedri's first game back with FC Barcelona. It had been now a whole month and a half since Pedri played. I got back into my job too with a new modelling agency that I loved so much. I also attended a few training sessions of Pedri's with Sira and I can proudly say that this girl became my best friend. We started hanging out more and we got closer. She was my first real girl best friend.

I was excited to watch Pedri play today. He had already left for the stadium with Ferran and Gavisince they had a press conference before and after the game. Ferran had dropped off Sira when he came to pick up the boys so we got ready together and she helped me with my makeup. She even did my hair and went all extra on me. I didn't understand why she was doing all of this so I asked her:

"What's all this about?"

She laughed and said:

"I don't know I just thought we could get extra ready today for the cameras."

I laughed but I knew something wasn't right. She usually never does this and also she did put too much makeup on her. She only did it to me. I mean I looked pretty and I knew that the cameras will probably be on me and Pedri most of the game since it was the first time that we will be there since a long time ago but I usually don't care too much about my appearance. I ignored her weird way of acting and let Sira continue my "makeover".

Pedri's POV:

"You look, stress bro. It's like if it was the first time you will propose to Sarah, your wife" Ferran told me mockingly.

Gavi looked at me with a smirk and added:

"Do you think she is going to reject your proposal?"

Ferran started laughing so hard and Gavi joined him. I was stressed. I had planned this proposal in my head since the day that Sarah came back and we talked about getting new rings. This time I wanted to do it right. I wanted a real marriage with a real proposal. I know we are already married but I wanted to make it special this time. More official and not about our careers or because of Xavi. I planned to propose to her after the game. Hopefully, we were going to win. I already talked with Xavi and the rest of the team and managers of Camp Nou and everything was in my favor. I just needed the team and me to win this game. Everyone was aware that I was going to call Sarah down on the pitch and take pictures with her first and during the pictures, I was going to tell her to look the opposite way where the rest of the players of the team are going to sit and they will hold a banner where it will be written "Will you marry me, Sarah?" and she will probably look back at me and I will be on one knee waiting for her answer. Everyone agreed with my plan and I just hope everything will happen the way it's supposed to.

I left with the boys early today because I was so anxious to stay around Sarah. It's so hard to act normally in front of someone who knows you better than you know yourself. But I don't think she has caught on to something.

"Of course, I'm nervous. We have to win this game."

"Ay, don't worry Gavi and I got you. We will do our best to score a goal" Ferran said while laughing.

I have no clue if he was serious or joking but I just wish he was right.

Sarah's POV:

It felt so different to be back here, in Camp Nou. I missed this feeling of freedom when I look at the sky above me from the pitch. Sira and I went to the pitch at first to go see our boys who were already training. Xavi let us come for some reason. When I saw Pedri running, I smiled because I knew that he was healed.

It took a few seconds for Pedri to notice me talking with Xavi. When he did, he ran to me and hugged me tightly. Xavi left us to go talk to another trainer and Sira was far away talking with Ferran. It felt so good to hug my husband even though there were at least 3 cameras on us. I pulled back to get a look at him. He was already sweaty and I loved his wet hair.

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