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Pedri's POV:
Sarah telling me all about her past showed me how much she trusted me. I of course trusted her as much as she did with me. This beach date was the perfect thing we needed in our relationship. I love this girl so much and I am even more excited for her to be my wife. Marrying her will be the best decision of my life.

Hearing her talk about the way her parents loved each other made sense to me. Her father died only because he couldn't live without his wife. It's the same for me. If something just happens to Sarah, I will be broken forever. A memory came back to my mind. The day that Sarah came to my house after what Ferran did. At that time I didn't know that I loved Sarah that much but if that happened now, I would have lost my mind. I also know that if Ferran comes close to Sarah the day he comes back to the team, I will destroy him and the hands he used on my girl.

Sarah's POV:
Pedri was in his thoughts while looking at me and I was admiring the last minutes of sunset. We then finish eating and left the beach to go back home. I sat next to Pedri in the car and he put his hand on my tight and my hands were on his. I fell asleep in the car and woke up in the house, in Pedri's arms. He had lifted me from the car to his room and tried not to wake me up. I was still half asleep and the only thing I said was:


I got my body closer to his and wrapped my hands even tighter around his neck. When he put me in his bed, I didn't want to let go of him. I held him even tighter so he lay down next to me. I cuddle him and he was playing with my hair.

When I woke up, Pedri wasn't there. He had already left. It was the last training day before we go to Qatar tomorrow and start the World Cup. I was really sad since Pedri wasn't next to me when I woke up. I just wanted to hug him and feel his kisses on me. I smiled while thinking about it. Today I didn't have any plans other than a dinner with the boy's families. I also wanted at least to go to Xavi's house and bring all my things since I wasn't going to go back there. Pedri and I started looking for houses in the neighbourhood and we found one close to here. The house had 3 bedrooms and had a modern look. It had also a beautiful view of the city so it was perfect if Pedri and I wanted to watch sunsets from our balcony. It was 5 minutes from this house so we could be able to see Gavi as often as now. I started talking to the agent of the house and we put in an offer. We are supposed to move into that house two weeks after the World Cup. Pedri also booked a day for our marriage papers and it was going to be two days after the World Cup. He only needed to talk to his family. That was going to happen tonight over dinner at Pedri and Gavi's house.

I got out of bed and called Pedri. One of the coaches answered and asked me if it was an emergency because Pedri was going through some tests. I said no and he told me that Pedri will call me back as soon as possible.

I got on, on my day. I prepared myself and ate some breakfast before taking my car and going to Xavi's house. When I arrived there, Pedri called me and we talked while I was packing my things from my old room.

"Are you sad to leave your old room?" Pedri asked me in the phone call.

I smiled and answered:

"No. If you are next to me mi vida, I would leave the world and it wouldn't matter."

"Same here my love" he said.

"I know" I said while smiling.

I packed all of my things and didn't leave anything in my room. I looked around and the room felt empty. It wasn't sad to leave it behind because I had most of my bad memories in it but it was hard to leave Xavi for good. I know he is not a bad person. I know it but he has something against Pedri and that's what gets me. I took my things and immediately left the house. I didn't want to think about it more. During the drive back to Pedri and Gavi's house, I passed a black car and for a second my heart stopped. Ferran was in that car. He stopped next to me at the red light and saw me in my car. I looked at him and froze. He wasn't smiling or any of that. He was just staring at me. I couldn't breathe. Seeing him look at me that way reminded me of that night. He had the same look in his eyes. The light turned green and I was still frozen. The car behind me honked at me multiple times until I realized I was on the road blocking some cars. I couldn't feel anything. Tears were dropping from my eyes. I was hearing Ferran's voice and felt his hands on me. I don't know how I drove my car and parked in the closest parking that I could find. My first reflex was to get out of my car and call Pedri. My vision was getting blurry and I couldn't see the details on my phone. A random man whose car was parked next to mine came close to me and tried to help me calm down. I was pretty sure I was having a panic attack. The man was asking me questions but I couldn't hear them well. The only thing I was saying to that man was Pedri. I kept saying Pedri and showing him my phone. The man understood and took my phone and called Pedri.

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