"I forgive you, mi amor. I love you."

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Sarah's POV:

I was waiting impatiently in my living room for the game to start. It was the game I was the most looking forward to. Even if I heard Pedri's voice and it traumatized me a little bit, I was able to gain back all my strength and try to forget about his voice even tho it was the only thing running through my mind. I missed him so much. The more time passes, the more I want to be with him.

The game finally started and the cameras were on Pedri and Gavi. I missed Pablo too. He was my family, my best friend. But he betrayed me too. I understand he was trying to protect Pedri by not telling me, but I was his best friend.

I shook my head trying to erase those thoughts once again and focused on the game this time. The game was going well. So great for Barcelona. I knew that if the game was in Madrid, I would probably have gone to watch it in real life but it was at Camp Nou so there was no way for me to go there.

As always, Pedri was putting out his best show. He was the one who scored the first goal with the help of Gavi. That moment made me smile. Seeing Pedri run around with his celebration reminded me of the old times. At the end of his celebration, he looked at the camera that was facing him and made a heart. The same heart he used to do for me at the end of his celebration.

My heart stopped beating for a second when I saw it. Did he really just make that same heart he used to do for me? There was no way it was for me. It couldn't. Pedri probably just did it out of an instinct for his fans. Not everything has to be about me, I told myself.

I texted Xavi after the first half to congratulate him for the goal and hopefully the win if the team continues playing this well.

Pedri's POV:

I was walking toward the dressing room, trying to catch my breath. I just scored the first goal against Real Madrid. That felt great. It was the first time it felt this great. Football was my therapy, really.

"Did you make that heart for Sarah?" Gavi asked me while walking towards me.

He was smiling, probably because of the goal and not the celebration I did.

"No. I did not do it for her. I did it for the Barcelona fans."

And her. I just didn't want to admit it. How could I?

"Okay, good. I got scared for a second" Gavi said while laughing.

I faked a laugh but not really at the same time since I was still so happy about the goal. Xavi came and congratulated me after a few minutes and he told me for the first time how proud he is of me. It felt good to hear that. I missed when Sarah used to tell me that she was proud of me, even the times when I would lose.

Sarah's POV:

The second half started. Barcelona was trying their best to keep the ball and try to score but it wasn't happening. At least, Madrid wasn't scoring too.

There were now 15 minutes left to the game when Real Madrid started running with the ball toward the goal. The defense wasn't there. All the players of FC Barcelona were in the middle of the pitch and the player with the ball kept running to score a goal. The goalie was positioning himself when Pedri started running as fast as he could from the middle of the field to the goal. I started freaking out because that was it. When the player will shoot the ball, Real Madrid was going to score. That was sure.

Pedri was still running when the player kicked the ball toward the goal. Pedri was still far away from the goal so I did not expect anything to happen but then he jumped and slid toward the goal to stop the ball with his body. He was fast enough that the ball hit Pedri and rebounded outside of the field. Pedri was sliding so fast, he couldn't stop himself and he hit the pole of the goal. It was his chest that went into the pole and hit it as hard as it could.

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