Golden boys

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The past few days have been normal. Every day I saw Pedri and Gavi exhausted after training. It was hard at first to not see them every day but I went once to their training and saw how hard Xavi made them work. 

Today was the day before we travel to France for the soccer awards. The boys came back early from training and Gavi came with his sister to our house to eat dinner with Pedri and me. It was so nice to see her again. I missed having a girl friend. I was always surrounded by boys. During our dinner, Pedri was telling me how he won the golden boy award last year, just a few weeks before I met him for the first time. It was the first time he told me about it. I was so proud of him. I wasn't surprised since I knew how great of a player he is.

"I am so excited for tomorrow" Pablo's sister said.

"I know me too!" I said with excitement.

It was the first time for me that I was going to attend to an event like that.

"Are we going to go with you boys to the event when we are in France or not?" Aurora asked.

"I think" Pablo said while looking at Pedri.

"Probably since they reserved a limousine for us so it would make sense if you guys come with us but I don't think we will be sitting next to each other" Pedri said.

"I mean you, Pedri, have to announce the winner of the golden boy award right?"

"Yes exactly" he said.

"Didn't you guys receive a plan of the room and where everyone was going to sit" Aurora said to the boys.

"Oh yes we did" Pablo yelled.

"I completely forgot" Pedri said too.

I laughed and so did Pablo's sister. The boys checked their phones and Pablo found the plan in an email sent to him. We looked at it and saw that we were all going to sit next to each other. It was amazing because I wouldn't want to be far from Pedri and Gavi.

Our luggage was already all packed. Two days after I quit my job at FC Barcelona, I went shopping and bought a dress for the event. The dress was long, tight and a nice blue color. It suited me very well and I thought it was perfect for the event. When I showed it to Pedri, he got super excited and wanted me to try it on for him but I told him that he had to wait until the event.  He faked an angry face and it made me laugh so much.

Pablo and Aurora then left during the evening to rest before we go to the airport in the early morning tomorrow. Pedri was exhausted at around 9 pm. it was surprising since Pedri always likes to sleep late at night but that's how I knew he was exhausted from training. I just hoped that Xavi will calm down a little bit and not force the team to work even harder because it was going to kill them.

Pedri was already sleeping when I joined him in the bed. I wrapped my arms around him, kissed the back of his neck and smelled his hair before I fell asleep. Our alarm went off at 5 am since our flight was at 8 am and we wanted to go to the airport early because this time, it wasn't just me and Pedri traveling. It was hard to get out of bed but we had no choice. Pedri fell back asleep not even two minutes after the alarm rang so I sat down on the bed so I wouldn't fall back asleep and tried to wake him up. He was slightly opening his eyes but he was still half asleep.

"Come on mi amor. It's time to wake up babe" I said.

Pedri wasn't even saying anything. He didn't have the power to move. I lay on him and kissed his cheeks and lips. I felt his warm hands go under my shirt and caressed my back.

"I want to stay here" he said.

I laughed and said:

"It's a big event Pedri. It's going to be so much fun and you will see me in the blue dress that I didn't try on for you last time."

Meant to meet ❤️‍🩹|| PedriWhere stories live. Discover now