Love, Pedri

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When I woke up in Pedri's arms, I immediately smiled. It was the best feeling ever. I grabbed my phone to check what time it was. It was 9 am. We had to get up if we wanted to get right one time at training. I guessed Xavi didn't fire me since he didn't notify me. I didn't want to wake up Pedri because he was sleeping so peacefully. He looked happy. I put my hand on his face and traced the lines on it. I then kissed him and he woke up with the biggest smile and that made me smile even more.

"Good morning babe" I said.

"Good morning my love" he said while hugging me.

It felt so natural to say words like "babe" and "my love" to each other. I loved love. I mean what I had with Ferran is not even love. It's nothing compared to what is between Pedri and me. I never had that smile and comfort with Ferran. With Pedri it's natural. It's like it was meant to happen a long time ago. It's like we knew each other since we were born. I can't imagine waking up and not seeing him next to me in the morning.

"Why are you looking at me like that and smiling?" he asked while smiling.

I didn't realize that I was thinking about all of that while admiring him.

"I was just thinking about how much our love is different. I have never felt that with anyone in my life. Never. What I had with Ferran is nothing compared to what I have with you. It wasn't even love. It feels natural between us."

"I was thinking about that too last night, he said. It's like we know each other since a long time ago."

I nodded and added:

"Pedri. I don't want to ever wake up and not see you next to me."

He smiled and said:

"I will never leave you, okay? The only person that could separate us is Xavi if he asks you to go back home but if that happens I will be sleeping in front of your door. I will always be next to you" he said.

I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"We should get up before Pablo comes and get mad at us" Pedri said.

I laughed and said:

"Yup. You are right."

Pedri's POV:

This girl makes me the happiest human ever. How could I possibly ever leave her? Since yesterday, I only think about our kiss and every cute moment between us. When we kissed and she went to tell Gavi, I knew my brother was happy. When they came back, Gavi made me a sign of how proud he is that Sarah was finally mine. The next step is to go on dates with her. I have a few ideas but I want to keep them for after the finale. I was proud of myself too because I am getting the hang of balancing work and my relationship with Sarah.

Love is so powerful. Every time I am next to her my heart wants to explode. That's how much I am in love. That feeling makes me the happiest human in this world. This morning when I woke up with a kiss from her, it made my day. I straight away hugged her and smelled her hair. It was the best way to wake up in the morning. After, she looked at me with admiration and started thinking about something. I really wanted to know what she was thinking about. When she told me, I was happier because I thought about the same thing yesterday night before I fell asleep. The love and connection between Sarah and me are stronger than anything in this world.

Sarah's POV:

We got out of bed and got ready for practice. Pedri let me use a part of his closet so I can put the clothes that I brought with me. I changed into some blue leggings and I was about to put on one of my hoodies when Pedri grabbed it from me and gave me his black one. I smiled and said:

Meant to meet ❤️‍🩹|| PedriWhere stories live. Discover now