Never again

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We waited a few more minutes until they brought Pedri into the room in a bed. He was still asleep. The first second I saw him, my heart skipped a beat. I was still so in love with this man. He looked handsome as hell. I just wanted to kiss him and smell his hair. Tell him how much I am in love with him. I wanted him. Everything about him.

I was scared of his reaction when he was going to woke up. What if he hates me? What if he doesn't want to see me? What if he didn't smile at my text message since he was so in pain? I took a deep breath and told myself that whatever happens, happens. I am not leaving ever again, without Pedri. Never.

Pedri's family went around him and waited for him to wake up. He started opening his eyes slowly trying to figure out what was going on. I was in the back of the room so Pedri couldn't see me yet since he was completely laying down. Gavi went near Pedri and smiled when he saw him awake.

"Hey man" Gavi said.

"Hey" Pedri said weakly.

I missed this voice. My heart started beating even faster.

"You scared us Pedri" his mother said.

He grabbed her hand and squeezed it. She smiled and let out a small laugh.

"I was so confused...I kept waking up and seeing things in this room."

"Yes, that was before your surgery. Don't you remember when I came and talked to you?" Gavi said to him.

Pedri nodded. I think he looked around thinking I was going to be there. He noticed Xavi and smiled at him.

"Glad to see you well Pedri."

Pedri nodded at Xavi. I knew it was the moment. It was my moment to show up. My heart was beating so fast that I think everyone in the room could hear it. Pedri's mother helped Pedri sit down slowly while his brother was lifting the bed. Gavi walked to the other side of the bed so that Pedri could see me when he was sitting.

Pedri was looking down at his body when he lifted his eyes and met mine. My heart stopped beating this time. I don't know how I was still able to stand. Pedri's shining eyes never left. He looked straight into my eyes and I could feel myself starting to tear up because I never thought this moment was going to happen especially since Pedri didn't seem mad.

"Hey" I said in a small voice while walking toward him.

He smiled in disbelief and then he turned to face the other side of the bed to hide his face from me. He took a few seconds to look back into my eyes and he was crying. Pedri was crying. It made my heart break. I had tears drop down my cheeks.

"I thought the message was a dream."

I shook my head. Pedri's mom couldn't keep watching us without crying. Gavi made a sign with his head so that everyone could get out of the room and leave Pedri and me alone.

Pedri was still tearing up. He was trying to hide his emotions but he couldn't.

"I missed you so much" Pedri said while tears dropped from his eyes.

It made me cry even more. I was still walking toward him, but scared to get too close. He held his hand out for me and whispered:


I walked faster toward him but instead of grabbing his hand, I grabbed his face and pressed my lips to his. It was a perfect make-out. Pain and happiness were released at the same time. I don't think Pedri and I ever had a passionate kiss like this one. We didn't stop kissing until I couldn't feel my lips anymore.

"I am so sorry. If I could, I would take it all back. I would never have left and divorced you. Never. Pedri, I love you so much. Please forgive me. Please. I promise I will never leave. Never. Even if you break my heart a thousand times I won't walk away from us. I love you too much for that. Pedri I can't breathe without you. The thought of losing you killed me."

Meant to meet ❤️‍🩹|| PedriWhere stories live. Discover now