He became my life.

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Today was Pedri's birthday. Finally! I couldn't keep hiding this secret from him. There were multiple times during this past month that I wanted to tell him so badly but I did everything to stop myself.

I had healed completely. My face didn't have any scars after a week from the accident and my hips didn't hurt anymore. It was more of my left broken arm. I couldn't move it for the longest time but I am glad now it's completely good. Thanks to the support of Pedri. He was there for me when I needed it. He didn't go back to football for two weeks and then he went back to work part-time. Sira was spending most of the time at home with me when Pedri wasn't and sometimes Xavi would come when it was a rest day. Pedri also helped me get back into driving. I didn't think I was going to have a big fear of it but I did. My husband was the one to help me so much through that trauma and now I drive again on my own. Other than that, each night I had an amazing visit from Gavi, Ferran and of course Sira. My excitement only builds up day by day to tell them all about my pregnancy.

Pedri was training for the day and he was going to come back soon. I had prepared for him a birthday surprise with all his friends and family tonight but I was going to tell him about my pregnancy before everyone is going to arrive. We were going to have an hour alone together to eat dinner and then everyone will come inside and surprise him.

I took a pregnancy test a few days ago and I took another one today to wrap and give to Pedri as one of his birthday gifts. I also bought a baby onesie written on it "Best Dad" with the number 8 on the back. I couldn't stop smiling the whole time I waited for my Pedri to come home.

I was in the living room when Pedri opened the door.

"Hello, mi amor." He yelled with so much joy.

His smile lit up the whole house and it made me smile.

"Happy birthday my Pedri."

He was all sweaty from training but I loved him the way he was. He walked toward me and pressed his lips to mine. I couldn't stop myself from smiling the whole kiss.

"Thank you mi vida. You already wished me happy birthday this morning and made my day so much better before I left for training." He said while winking.

I let out a small laugh and then added:

"I will make your birthday 10 times better just to see your beautiful smile."

"Oh. I love you so much" He told me while kissing me once again.

I cupped his face and kissed his nose and said:

"I love you more, you have no idea. Now, go shower and get ready. I prepared us your favorite dinner."

He smiled and kissed my forehead.

"How did I get lucky with the best wife ever?"

"That's a question I ask myself every day but for you."

His smile grew bigger and then I stood up from the couch to reheat the food while Pedri was walking toward the staircase to go to our bedroom when he said:

"Do you feel good? Like your arm."

He looked into my eyes and I could still see his small fear.

"Hey, don't worry. I feel completely fine."

He nodded and took a deep relieved breath. Then he left for upstairs and I ran to the kitchen to serve the table and get the gift ready. 

After a few minutes, Pedri came downstairs. My excitement changed into fear and stress. It was time. I decided to offer him the gift before dinner because I wasn't going to be able to eat because of my anxiety. Pedri was excited when he saw the gift I was standing next to.

Meant to meet ❤️‍🩹|| PedriWhere stories live. Discover now