For life

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The five long days have finally passed and today was the day. Pedri and I might not have our perfect proposal and marriage but we had to be grateful for what we have. Maybe one day we will be able to do a real marriage. Right now we are too young for this. He is 20 and I am 19. At least we were both sure of our decision. A 100% sure. We were doing this for our love and our career. When we will announce to the coach, Xavi, that we are married, we will also announce it to the world. Pedri wants everyone to know. Everyone.

I woke up with the biggest smile on my face. Pedri was already awake watching me. When he saw me smile, he did too. Pedri was doing a lot better than in the past few days. It was still hard for him to accept the fact that his team lost the World Cup but at least he was in a better mental state. I placed my hand on his cheek and he got closer to me.

"Good morning future wife" he said while making his adorable smile.

"Good morning my future husband."

We kept looking at each other while smiling. I was so happy and he was too.

"I know it's not perfect but at least we will never be separated. Never" he said.

"It doesn't have to be perfect. I just want you. That's the only thing I want in this life. It's you."

He kissed me and I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him. I wonder if my parents would be proud of me. If they would be proud of what I was going to do today. Love always mattered to them but they might think that Pedri and I went too fast. Maybe. I didn't care since I knew in my heart that it was the best decision. It was the right thing.

Pedri was drawing circles with his fingers on my back and I loved that. I loved his touch on me.

"Come on we have to get up" I whispered in his ear.

"Yeah" he said. "We have a big day."

I smiled just while thinking about it. I was so excited. I looked at my ring and smiled again. While I was getting up, Pedri said:

"My grandma will be here today with my family. She wants to meet you in person even if you already talked to her on FaceTime."

I did once talk to Pedri's grandmother. She was the cutest person ever. I love her so much. I was so happy that she was going to come today on this special day. It had been a long time ago that I talked to her on the phone. She calls Pedri at least once a week and one time I was next to Pedri when she did so I talked to her and she loved me so much. She kept complimenting me. It was so sweet of her.

I nodded and added:

"She is the best. I am so happy she is going to come."

"I am not happy because now she is going to love you more than me. Even now when I talk to her, all she asks me about is you" Pedri said in a fake sad voice.

I laughed and said:

"Aww Pedri. Don't worry, I love you. Plus I know I am her favorite."

I winked and Pedri started laughing. Then someone knocked at the door. It was Pablo.

"Hola my favorite couple who are getting married today!" he yelled while jumping everywhere.

Honestly, Gavi looked more excited than we were. I started laughing and went to hug him. He kept jumping with so much excitement.

"I can't believe you guys are getting married and are going to leave me alone here."

It was sad. I didn't really think about it. It was going to be hard for all of us. Pedri had to leave his brother and I had to leave my best friend.

Meant to meet ❤️‍🩹|| PedriWhere stories live. Discover now