The aftermath (part 2)

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Going back home was really hard. I immediately went into my room and locked the door.  Pedri told me that I could keep his clothes with me so I changed into mine and I lay in my bed while cuddling his. I wanted to smell his odour and keep it with me so I could feel his presence. Xavi came next to my door just to tell me that he needed to go back to training because the final is coming soon. He also told me that Pedri can't come here and the only friend that could was Gavi. I was terrified to be alone in my house so the second Xavi left, I face-timed Pedri.

"Hey? Is everything alright?" he asked me.

"I'm scared. Xavi left me alone."

"What the hell man? Why did he do that?  He came to tell you to go back home so he could leave at peace at practice knowing that I wasn't near you."

"Why is he doing that, Pedri?" I asked. "Why does he dislike you that much?"

"I don't know. Listen, I don't mind staying on facetime with you all day, okay?" he said.

I nodded and I told him everything that Xavi told me and he explained to me the fact that Ferran was going to stay with the team for a while now before he gets kicked out for good. He also told me that Xavi's plan was probably to keep Ferran until after the World Cup, which meant many months. I felt like I couldn't trust Xavi anymore. After everything he did, how could I trust him like before? Of course, I am grateful for everything he did but why is he acting like that right now? I stayed on the call with Pedri all day until Xavi came back home. Then Xavi knocked on my door and I let him in so we could talk.

"Hi Sarah, can we talk?" he asked me.

I was still laying in bed and I couldn't feel my body.

"Are you okay? Do you feel better?" he asked again.

I said no with my head and said:

"I want Pedri. I want to go to his house. Please."

"No, Sarah. Your home is here. You can't be with Pedri."

"You can't control my life, Xavi. I am thankful for everything you gave me but I am an adult. I can control my life."

"I know Sarah. I know. You have no idea how hard it is for me. I just don't want you to get hurt especially not again with Pedri and..."

"But you don't get it. Pedri is just my friend..."

He started laughing and said:

"Sarah. We all know what's happening between you two."

"What. Listen Xavi, what is the problem with Pedri? Just tell me. Why do you act like that with him?"

"I act normally Sarah. I am just trying to protect you around him. That's it. Okay? But that's not the main topic that I wanted to..."

"What did Pedri do? I don't understand. What is so dangerous of him that you have to protect me from him? What did he do, tell me?" I yelled.

"Calm down, please Sarah. You are still weak from yesterday..."

I was so pissed. I was even standing and yelling at Xavi. That's how much I love Pedri. I will fight for him even though it's with someone who did everything for me.

"Tell me Xavi! Tell me what he did worse than what Ferran did to me! Tell me!" I yelled.

"Okay okay. Please sit down, I will tell you. Please."

I sat down and was ready to hear the truth. All the truth.

"I know Pedri very much, Sarah. He reminds me of one of my old friends, Iniesta. They both act the same way. Not only on the field but in real-life situations. Listen, my friend loved a girl so much at the beginning of his career. They were so in love. They were one person, that's how much they were close. They were even about to get married at one point but Iniesta was so focused on his career that when he had a new opportunity, he would leave the love of his life behind without hesitation. One time, the love of his needed help. She was in danger. I don't remember what really happened. It was probably a car accident and she called Iniesta who was in training with me. I saw the name on his phone and told him to answer but you know what he told me? He told me I don't care about her right now because I am at work. That day was the last time that Iniesta talked to her. She couldn't forgive him for what he did. Now, when I look into Pedri's eyes I only see him. Iniesta. he is the same person, Sarah. Please forgive me. I am not trying to destroy you. I want to protect you from him. Ferran was enough, now I can't let anyone else hurt you."

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