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The second we arrived in his room, Pedri went into the bathroom. Still no word. I locked the door behind me and followed him. I kept my distance from him in case he wanted to be alone but I was just making sure he wasn't going to do something bad. I didn't go inside the bathroom with him but I heard him open the shower's water. I knocked on the door to know if I could come in and he said yes. He was getting undressed to go shower and he asked me:

"Do you want to come with me?"

He didn't show any emotions so I wasn't sure if he said that to please me or because he really wanted to.

"No it's fine, I won't disturb you, mi amor."

I was about to leave when he grabbed my arm and brought me closer to him. I pressed my nose against his and smiled. I wanted this Pedri back. I hated seeing him like that.

"You will never disturb me or anything like that, okay? You make me feel better. Now come with me."

I nodded and smiled. I loved hearing that from him. I got undressed and followed him under the hot water. Our bodies were touching the whole time and it felt good. Pedri kissed me at least 50 times and each time, he was absorbing every moment of that kiss, like it was the last one. I knew Pedri was enjoying this moment but from the outside, he was still blank. I got closer to him and said:

"I hate seeing you like this."

He looked away and didn't respond. He just kept showering and just ignored what I said. I didn't take it personally. I knew he wasn't just going to start smiling or whatever for me. When we finished showering, we got dressed and while I was packing our suitcases, Pedri was laying on the bed watching the ceiling. Still no words, no expressions, nothing. He wasn't even crying or angry.

I finished what I was doing and went and sat next to him on the bed. I brushed his hair with my fingers and said:

"Do you want to talk about it?"


"Do you want me to do something for you?"


My heart was breaking every moment he was saying no. I couldn't recognize my Pedri anymore. I kissed his cheek and smelled his hair.

"I am going to go downstairs to get some food, okay? What would you like?" I asked him.

"I am not hungry."

I knew this answer was coming. I did not care about it. Pedri was going to eat. I remembered when I was in my depression phase. I didn't eat enough for a few months and it was the worst decision of my life. I wasn't going to let Pedri live what I lived.

I nodded, grabbed my phone and went downstairs. There was a small restaurant near the lobby of the hotel so I went and bought dinner. I saw Gavi's sister there and I asked her how Gavi was doing.

"I don't know if I ever saw Gavi like this in my life. He is more than heartbroken. It's really painful to see."

I nodded and told her a little bit about Pedri. Then I left with the food and went back to Pedri's room. When I entered, there were still no sounds. I put the food on the kitchen counter and went to check on Pedri since I had left for a good 20 minutes. Pedri was now sitting on the bed staring at the view outside. He stood up when he saw me and went toward the kitchen. I smiled because I knew he was going to eat dinner. I followed him to the kitchen and to my biggest surprise Pedri was pouring a bottle of alcohol into a glass.  I looked at him but he was avoiding my eyes. I tried grabbing the cup away from him but he reacted faster.

"Pedri, listen, babe. Maybe you should eat a little bit first. Then you can drink but at least eat. Don't drink on an empty stomach..."

But before I could finish my sentence, Pedri had already drunk the whole glass in one shot. That was not a good sign. He kept adding more alcohol to the glass and drinking it as fast as he could. I tried to stop him so many times but I couldn't. He was getting mad and I didn't want anything to end badly so I just stopped.

Meant to meet ❤️‍🩹|| PedriWhere stories live. Discover now