A new start

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I got into Pedri's green mini Cooper and drove to Xavi's house. I forgot to go a few days ago to get the few clothes that were left over there so I decided to go now since he was at training. It was weird to be in this house but I grabbed my things as fast as I could and left to go back to my home.

When I got back home, I sat down at the computer in our office area and started planning my day. I needed to get over all the emails that were sent to me and Pedri after the photoshoot because the pictures got out today. It was a fast process. I thought we needed to wait at least a week but the clothing brand wanted to publish the pictures as fast as they could before anyone else could.

Pedri and I had a few interviews scheduled for tomorrow and after tomorrow so we needed to prepare for them tonight. I received a ton of emails from different brands wanting me to promote their products since I had the platform because of Pedri. I wasn't a social media girl or anything like that. The only thing I posted were pictures of Pedri and me or Pedri alone in his games. The rests were pictures and stories of Paris. I knew because of the photo shoot, my social media accounts were blowing up and growing but I wasn't working on them really. I didn't want to use Pedri's fame to give it to me.

I continued checking my emails and saw an email from Pedri's management team. That's weird because it was sent to me and not Pedri. I checked again if I was in the right account since I kept switching between my emails and Pedri's but I was really in my account. I opened the email and started reading it. Pedri's manager said that he received emails from many brands asking him to get me to model for them. I was in shock the whole time I was reading the email. The manager even offered to become my manager since Pedri and I were married. I was still surprised by how many brands wanted to work with me. Like they wanted me to be their model. What? It didn't feel real to me. I mean it was an amazing opportunity for me to get a job. That could be my career from now on. I didn't hate the photoshoot with Pedri last time but I never thought of the possibility that it could be my job.

I answered the email and said that I needed time to think about it. I also wanted to talk to Pedri first before making any decisions since we were just like one person. I got excited by thinking about the opportunity of me modeling. It would be so nice to become a model. I was just so excited to see Pedri and tell him all about it.

I continued responding to the rest of the emails left that I had to check on. They were mostly about interviews and events. It was Pedri who gave me his email account so I could work on it. If I seemed to see an important email, I just had to send it to his team and they will take care of it.

The rest of the day, I spent looking at the brands who wanted me as their model. I did love some particular brands that looked really nice. Then it was around 4 pm that I started cooking dinner for Pedri and Gavi since Gavi was going to eat with us tonight. Tomorrow the boys don't have practice. They need to rest so they don't tire their bodies too much.

It was 6 pm when I got in my car to go get my best friends. When I arrived near the stadium, the cameras were all on me. People were yelling my name from outside and I heard some telling me to say hi to Pedri and Gavi. I continued driving and went into the stadium and waited for the boys in the car. When I saw Pedri and Gavi get out of the entry door, I immediately smiled. I saw both of their smiles when they noticed my car and they got in with their bags. Pedri sat next to me and kissed my cheek while Gavi was sitting in the back.

"How was your day, mi amor?" Pedri asked me.

"It was relaxing and I missed you guys so much. I have so much to tell you" I said.

Gavi got excited and started clapping with his hands. It was adorable.

"Tell us" Gavi said.

"Okay but first you guys, tell me how your day was."

Meant to meet ❤️‍🩹|| PedriWhere stories live. Discover now