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It had been already a week in Paris. The rest of the days were spent the same way as the first two days. Going out all day and enjoying the city to the fullest. Meeting a few of the supporters and having dinners out next to the Eiffel Tower. I was sad that today we had to go back to reality. To our lives. But at least, we were going to move into our house today and tomorrow since training starts after tomorrow. Our flight was scheduled for 1 pm so we will arrive in Barcelona at around 3 pm and start packing the rest of our things from Pedri's house, now Gavi's house.

It was obviously the best vacation of my life and I was excited for new ones in the future. I did feel so much close to my husband and I was excited to go back home to move into my first home. Mine and Pedri's.

While we were at the airport, we talked about the house and how we were both excited. I didn't expect Pedri to be that excited. Believe it or not, he was more excited than me. I was resting my head on Pedri's chest while he was on his phone scrolling on Instagram. He then stopped on a post that draw my attention. It was a picture of Ferran and a girl at dinner in a restaurant. Wait. What? I looked at Pedri who looked at me confused. Are we seeing the right thing? The caption had a red heart emoji.

"I think we should talk to him and the girl. What if he gets dangerous with her? Imagine she lives the same thing I lived" I said in a panicked way.

"Hey, hey, hey, calm down. Look at me, Sarah, please. Breathe. It's going to be okay. The first thing we do when we arrive in Barcelona is to go and talk to him, okay? Do you want to?" Pedri asked me.

I wasn't sure if that's what I wanted but it was probably the right thing.

"Yes. I think."

"I will be next to you the whole time. I promise" he said while grabbing my hands.

I nodded and Pedri kissed my head. It's okay. Everything was going to be fine. We just needed to get to Barcelona as soon as possible.

The flight was fine. I watched a movie with Pedri the whole flight because we had nothing to do more than that. I was a little bit nervous to go talk to Ferran because I didn't want him to say what he told me last time in front of Pedri. I just didn't want the rumour to expand.

Of course, the first thing we did when we arrived is to drive up to Ferran's house. We called Pablo and told him that we arrived and explained to him what we were doing. When Pedri pull the car into Ferran's driveway, all the memories came back: me trying to escape from him and then going into my car and crying my eyes out. My breathing started to be louder and Pedri noticed.

"Hey, no no no. It's okay. I am here babe. I am here, I promise. Look into my eyes."

I turned my face to face Pedri and when our eyes met, I felt better.

"When you are starting to feel like this just look into my eyes. Okay?" He said.

I nodded and we got out of the car and knocked at his door. After a few seconds, Ferran opened the door and was really surprised. I looked into Pedri's eyes again and he held my hand.

"What a surprise to see you here guys. Come in" Ferran said.

I held Pedri's hand tighter and he whispered to me:

"He will not get close to you. I am here and I am not leaving you a second."

I nodded and got closer to him. We followed Ferran and he led us to his living room. I saw the couch. The couch where everything happened. Pedri was about to sit on it when I told him:

"I can't sit here."

Ferran looked at me confused and when he understood why he changed places with me and Pedri and let us sit on the other couch.

Meant to meet ❤️‍🩹|| PedriWhere stories live. Discover now