It's Pedri and I

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Pedri grabbed my hand when I got closer and kissed it. Then he tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear and kissed my forehead.

"Come, I have a surprise for you" he said while pointing inside the stadium.

"Another one?" I asked him confused.

What could it possibly be? I followed Pedri inside while security guards were following us just in case anything happens. Pedri led me to a visitors' room and while he was smiling, he told me:

"Open the door"

I nodded and was excited to see what was inside. I opened the door and my eyes met Pedri's family's eyes. I jumped with joy and started screaming. I was so happy to see them.

"I wanted you guys to be present during this moment" I yelled to them.

Pedri's mother hugged me and said:

"We saw everything my dear. I am so thankful for you my daughter."

I was hearing Pedri laugh with his brother. Ugh...I love his laugh. I hugged also Mr. González and Pedri's brother. Pedri was explaining to us how he felt during the whole game and during the proposal. I knew he was nervous but I didn't think that much.

Pedri's POV:

We talked with my family for a while. Even Pablo joined us and started telling them about this morning in the car. Sarah was listening carefully. I love this about her. I kept making eye contact with her from across the room since we were not sitting next to each other and I felt my heart beat faster. It felt like it was my first time falling in love with her. She kept blushing and smiling and so was I. It was obvious that we wanted to be near each other.

After a few minutes, the conversation ended and I said to my family:

"There is a team dinner in an hour so we will meet you there."

They all agreed and Sarah, Pablo and I left the room.

Sarah's POV:

"What a surprise to see them" I said to Pedri when we left the room. "Pablo, you knew everything?"

"Yup, this plan had been made since you came back." He replied.

I looked at Pedri with so much admiration. He did all of that for me.

"I'm gonna go home. I will see you later guys." Pablo told us while we were walking toward the changing room so that Pedri can go grab his things.

We agreed that we will get Pablo later for dinner and he then left. It was just me and Pedri walking together toward the room.

"I love the ring Pedri. Look at it, it's perfect." I said while showing him my hand.

He grabbed it and kissed my palm and said:

"You are perfect."

I smiled and blushed. The random compliments he tells me makes me fall so much more in love with him.

We finally got to the changing room so I was going to wait for Pedri when he told me:

"Come with me, there shouldn't be anyone anymore."

I nodded and added:

"Just make sure first."

He went inside and after a few seconds, he got back to me and said:

"There is no one, you can come."

I smiled because I wanted to go with him for the longest time but I wasn't about to see other players changing. I followed Pedri's lead and went down a few stairs until I saw a massive room with pictures of each player on a separate locker with benches written with their numbers on it. I had already seen Pedri's picture before but not the rest of the players. I saw Gavi and Ferran nearby and I took a picture of each one of them to send to them to show them where I was.

Meant to meet ❤️‍🩹|| PedriWhere stories live. Discover now