The fallout

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When I got home, I stayed in my bed for the rest of the day. I was thinking of how I was going to meet Pedri and Gavi's families soon. It's crazy to think that the last time I was thinking about this, it was Ferran's family that I was going to meet too. I thought I was in love with him but the only love I ever had was with Pedri. He was my first love from the second I saw his face on the poster in my office. Hopefully, he was going to be my last. I never knew what was love. I never experienced it, other than when I would watch romance movies or read romantic books. Now, I do feel it with Pedri. Thinking of being with someone other than him is not even a possibility. He only sees soccer in front of him, but I only see him.

When Xavi arrived home, he wanted to talk to me.

"Why did you leave work early, Sarah?" he asked angrily.

"I couldn't stay anymore" I said.

"Sarah, listen. Doesn't mean you are part of my family that I will treat you differently than the rest of my workers, okay?"

"Yes I know Xavi."

"This job isn't a joke. We are in a serious position right now. The team needs to work extremely hard. We can't take breaks and do our job halfway. I don't want any problems with my team anymore. Since you arrived Sarah, I am sorry to say that but I never have seen my team like that. Ferran, Pedri and Gavi were beaten up. What is happening with my team? Don't you think that the paparazzi are talking about us? I am disappointed a lot. I gave you this job so you can build a future but you are ruining mine and the team too."

Tears were falling and I didn't even realize it. Words can hurt so much.

"Listen, Sarah. I am not saying this to hurt you. I just want your best. But just look around, if you look at what the media are writing about Ferran, Pedri and Gavi, you will see they are ruining their reputation. I want you to stop whatever you have with boys if it's friendship or more. Stop contacting them and going to their house. The only thing you are allowed to do is to talk to them professionally. I already talked to the boys and they will listen to me. If something else happens and you don't respect my rules, I will have to fire you from your job. Don't make me regret what I am saying to you, okay?" he said.

He hugged me and left in his room. I knew Xavi was doing this to protect his team but he didn't even think about me for a second. Didn't he notice what Ferran did to me? How will I be able to live like this without even having my best friends next to me? Pedri and I were building something and now it's being all destroyed. I went on my phone to check social media and the newspapers to make sure he was telling the threat and in fact, he was right. I did destroy everything. There were pictures of the fight and the boys all beaten up. You did this, I told myself. I couldn't stop crying.

Pedri's POV:

The talk with Xavi made me realize so much I haven't thought of. Since everything that happened with Sarah, I kinda forgot how to focus on my career. I was preoccupied with her that I didn't realize all the comments that people said about me. My world has changed so much since she came into my life. Since the first time I met her. Our first talk.

During the one week that I didn't see her, I was thinking about a future with her. What if we become something serious and I end up marrying her? Growing old with her and seeing our kids grow too if she wants children. Waking up every morning next to her. But then I went back into reality. That can't happen. What about my career? I know, of course, some soccer players have families and end up being successful no matter what but I can't. I have to focus one on thing only. What happened with Sarah made me realize this. I stopped soccer just to take care of her. How am I supposed to have a family then?

Xavi's talk was a wake-up call. I had to make it clear to Sarah. I didn't want to break her heart again. I was okay with breaking mine but hers, I couldn't. Gavi and I were both sad because of the decision Xavi made for us.

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