"Where is she?"

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Pedri's POV:

I opened my eyes. I was looking forward to the TV wall. Shit, I fell asleep while waiting for Sarah. I immediately got up and checked my phone. Nothing. Just a message from Pablo telling me he didn't find my wife. Shit. Sira texted me the same thing. Damnit, where did you go, Sarah? I tried to call her again but nothing. Her phone didn't even ring this time. Maybe she was going to be at the game today? I hoped.

I got ready and headed toward my game. I tried to keep my cool down because I did not want Xavi to know any of what happened yesterday. Not for now.

During the game, I searched for Sarah but she wasn't there. She was not with Sira. She left me. I am sure. I tried to control my sadness while playing but it was so hard. I messed up a few times and Xavi probably noticed. The thoughts were going crazy in my mind. Sarah can't leave for good now. She can't leave. I now know that I made the biggest mistake of my life and I will never do it again.

After 30 minutes of playing, the referee stopped the game. What is going on? I was on the other side of my team's seats and I saw Xavi look at me with fear from far away. This isn't good. Sarah must have left. He looked at me with a worse look than when Sarah left last time. Gavi and Ferran looked at each other at the same time and then at me. The referee called my name out and didn't start back the game because Pablo and Ferran followed me to Xavi.

"Pedri!" Xavi yelled.

My heart was beating so fast. I tried to take deep breaths but nothing was working. It was the hardest walk that I ever had to do. It felt like I was going to hell. I don't want to know what Xavi has to say to me. I just want my wife.

"A hospital called you and we answered. Sarah got into an accident. A car accident. They sent you the location."

I froze completely. The only image going through my mind was when Sarah told me more about her mother's accident at the beach a few years ago. This can't happen to me. Xavi was trying to not tear up but I couldn't stop myself. I didn't care if the cameras were all on me. Tears were running down my cheeks. Gavi and Ferran were shaking and didn't say a word. Sira was looking down at us scared because of my reaction. I couldn't feel my body anymore. Everything felt numb.

"Where is she? Is she okay? Is she alive? What am I going to do? How am I going to forgive myself?" I started panicking until Xavi held me.

"Breath Pedri. She is alive. She is just badly hurt. Now, go to her and update me as soon as possible."

"I'm going with him," Pablo said to Xavi.

"No boys, I can't let you go. I need you on the pitch. The game will resume."

"Sira is going to drive you there. She is coming, I just texted her. Meet her at your car." Ferran said.

"We will meet you after the game," Pablo told me while he hugged me.

"Sarah is going to be okay." He whispered.

Pablo was also tearing up but he tried his best not to. I was still in shock. I just nodded and stormed out of the stadium. Sira was waiting for me next to my car. I gave her my keys since Ferran was right. I wasn't okay to drive right now. Sira looked like she was in a better mental state than I was.

"I messed up." I kept saying to Sira.

"Listen Pedri. Yes, you messed up but Sarah is going to give you a last chance. Don't destroy it. She loves you so much."

"Sarah's mother...She...She."

"Hey, no. Don't compare these two situations. Don't, okay? Sarah is alive. She is breathing. None of that is going to happen. Your wife is strong."

Meant to meet ❤️‍🩹|| PedriWhere stories live. Discover now