I would choose you

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After about two weeks, Pedri was finally healing. He was now able to walk but still needed to be careful. His scar was healing too but it was still present on his body. Pedri and I just returned from my old place in Madrid. We drove there two days ago when I knew that Pedri was doing so much better. So we arrived that night and we left this morning. I showed my apartment and my favorite places in Madrid. He was amazed by the way that I lived in that small apartment for a whole year alone.

When we arrived there, my apartment was the same way as I left it when I saw Pedri hurt on TV. The remote was on the floor and there were things thrown everywhere in the hallway that led to the door of my bedroom.

"I'm sorry for the mess" I told Pedri when he first walked in.

"Hey, it's okay my love. I can't imagine how you felt when you saw me. I would've died if I was you and I saw your accident on TV."

I nodded thinking back to the moment when I thought I had lost him for good. Pedri walked to the door of the balcony and I followed him. He knew the story of the first time I met Nicolás so it felt weird that Pedri was standing outside at that place. I saw him look down and then he looked back at me and told me to come closer to him so that he could wrap his arms around me. I loved his hugs so much. It made me feel back the safety that I felt around him when we first met.

"I am so sorry" he whispered while kissing my head and smelling my hair.

"It's in the past Pedri. It's okay mi amor. I forgive you just like you forgave me for what I told you in the past."

He nodded and I pulled back to press my lips to his. It was such a gentle and sweet kiss until someone yelled from the street:

"Your back!"

I stopped kissing Pedri and looked down to the street while Pedri was holding my hand and copying me to check who it was. When I saw Nicolás I smiled and looked at my husband who didn't seem that excited to meet my friend. Pedri stopped holding my hand when Nicolás said that he was coming upstairs and he stared at the view while clenching his jaw. I was so confused. Is he jealous?  I was about to ask him when I heard Nicolás knock at my door.

"Come on" I told Pedri.

I holding my hand up so that he could grab it but he just looked at my hand and then into my eyes and said:

"I'm coming."

I was a little bit sad by his reaction because I didn't think he was going to be mad or anything since we had already talked about my friend.

I walked to the door and let Nicolás in. He immediately hugged me tightly and looked at Pedri who was coming inside.

"Hi, I'm Nicolás and you must be Pedri, her...boyfriend" Nicolás said while holding his hand out to Pedri.

Pedri grabbed it rudely and repeated:

"Sarah's husband. She is my wife. Yes, I'm Pedri."

I smirked because I loved how Pedri was defending our love even if it was in front of my friend.

Nicolás looked at me confusedly and repeated:


"Oh I forgot to tell you, but Pedri never sent the divorce papers so we were never divorced" I said to Nicolás.

Pedri looked at him with so much pride while Nicolás was completely shocked.

"After all of this, you went back to him and as your husband?" he yelled at me.

Hum...wow. What is going on?

"Watch the way you talk to her" Pedri said to him while clenching more his jaw.

Meant to meet ❤️‍🩹|| PedriWhere stories live. Discover now