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"Mi vida, listen to me. Even if it wasn't the right time to get married, we were still going to get married in a few years. And what doesn't tell you that Xavi might have tried something else to separate us even if you didn't work with me in Barca? Xavi is here to ruin our lives. I am sure he will do anything and try to bring us to divorce but we are not going to let him, okay?" Pedri said.

I nodded and he kissed my cheek hard.

"Nothing of that was a mistake. Gavi might be mad because he doesn't understand how much in love we are. But it's fine, I will try to talk to him during the day."

"I will try to talk to him after I go see Xavi in his office."

Pedri nodded and said:

"Do you want me to come with you?"

"No it's better if I go alone. I will see you after on the field, okay?" I asked him.

He nodded and we got out of the car and went our separate ways. I arrived at Xavi's office and knocked on the door. He let me in and when I entered, I saw a pile of papers on his desk. He told me to sit down in one of the chairs facing him so I did.

"That's it you are ending your career here with FC Barcelona?" he asked me.

"Yes, you didn't give me any choice" I said while nodding angrily.

"Oh so it's my fault. I didn't give you any choice" he said while yelling.

"You clearly understood me Xavi. You brought me to this point where I am quitting this job" I said confidently.

"Here you go the papers" he said while sliding them onto his desk to me.

I overviewed them quickly and signed them as fast as I could. I was about to stand up and give them to him when he said:

"I wonder what you are going to do now?Depend on Pedri's money."

He said it in such an awful way that made me look like I was a monster. I gave him the papers while looking into his eyes with a death stare.

"I wonder if one day you will realize all the pain you did to your best friend's daughter, Xavi."

I walked away and saw him stand up and slam his desk. A big noise was heard in his office and probably in the hallway too. I didn't even look back and got out of his office as fast as I could. I don't know if the last thing I said to him was too harsh on him. I started walking fastly away from his office. My heart was beating so fast. I just wanted to reach my office to go grab my things when I saw Gavi walking in the opposite direction quickly. When our eyes met, he ran to me and said:

"Hey, hey, are you okay? I heard a noise a few seconds ago. Sarah, are you okay?" he said while grabbing my shoulders and trying to wake me up from my thoughts.

I don't know what was happening to me but I felt like my heart was going to get out of my chest. Gavi helped me walk to my office and closed the door behind him. He hugged me and said:

"You are okay, right?"

I nodded and he looked at me.

"I am fine. It was...hum...Xavi... the noise you heard. It was Xavi who hit his desk because of me. I probably said something bad. Like really bad."

"Okay, breathe. Tell me what you said to him." Gavi asked me while comforting me.

"I resigned from this job and signed the papers but I told him it was his fault. In the end, before I left, I also said: "I wonder if one day you will realize all the pain you did to your best friend's daughter, Xavi " talking about me since my father was his best friend. I don't know if it was too much to tell him that or..."

Meant to meet ❤️‍🩹|| PedriWhere stories live. Discover now