World Cup

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The world cup has now started. It has been the craziest few weeks of my life. The Spain team won a match by 7 goals against Costa Rica, then tied 1-1 against Germany and lost a game 2-1 against Japan. The celebration after the match we won was crazy. It helped the team go into the last 16 countries. The other two last games didn't affect the team that much since they were already qualified.

Every night after a game, Pedri was so exhausted. Even Gavi, I haven't seen him that tired of my life since I know him. The other days when they weren't playing, they trained like crazy. The team was really doing an amazing job. I always stayed with Pedri. Always. I was proud of him every moment he lost or won. It didn't matter to me. I saw him be one of the greatest players and it was enough for me. Each game, I was sitting with Pedri and Gavi's family on a balcony next to the players. Every time Pedri came back to the bench, he held my hand for a few seconds while I was telling him how proud I am of him. Every time. The supporters would go crazy each time they would see Pedri and me together or even when I was alone, they were able to recognize me.

Now we were approaching the finale of the World Cup. Today was a big match against Morocco. The only chance we had is to win. The team had to win or it was over for them. It was over for us. This morning I woke up and Pedri was already awake getting ready. He looked so nervous and I was too. I understood him very much. It was hard seeing him like this and I was always scared of what happens if they lose. I have so much faith that they will win, each match, because I know Spain is a really strong team but the what if question was still in my mind. We arrived in the last 16 teams in the World Cup and that was a huge achievement. The team had to be proud of this and shouldn't give up no matter what happens.

I talked for a few minutes with Pedri trying to help him calm down. Then I went and got ready. I wore again on of his soccer shirts saying his name on it but this time with the number 26. We then went downstairs and took the bus to the stadium. The whole ride I took his hand into mine and didn't say a word. I felt his heart beat fast. He was still stressed. Gavi was even more nervous. He had his headphones and listened to his music in his world. It was hard to think about that: boys that are only 18 and 20 years old have all this pressure of winning to make their country proud.

When we arrived, I left the team and went with Pedri's family but before I left I hugged both of my best friends and told them that they are both making me so proud.

The game started. The whole time it stayed 0-0. It was such a hard game. I could see the coaches trying to do anything they can to help us score a goal but nothing was working. Pedri, Gavi and the rest of the team were working so hard. Some players were getting tired and the additional time was adding up. The game then finished 0-0 but it wasn't the end. The penalties were left. If we lose we had to go back home. The coaches did not put Pedri or Gavi to shoot a penalty. So they couldn't do anything other than watch. Before the penalty started, I looked at Pedri and told him to come close because I wanted to tell him something. He came close and there was only a fence separating us.

"Hey babe, listen. You did everything. Now leave it for your team, okay? Don't regret or think it's your fault if something bad happens. You did everything you could, okay?"

He nodded but I was able to see the stress through his eyes. I knew he wanted the team to win so badly. I did too. When it was finally time for the penalties, my heart was beating so fast. Pedri and Gavi were both on the bench right next to each other in front of me. Gavi was sitting down and Pedri was standing.

The penalties were the hardest thing I have watched in my life. The worst feeling. Spain lost 3-0 in the penalties. Not even one player on our team was able to score a goal. Some supporters were crying and others got mad. Gavi was on the bench, head on his hands trying to process what just happened. Pedri wasn't next to the bench anymore. He was laying head on the grass, on the field. The other players were crying or denying what just happened. Xavi couldn't believe it. It was so hard to watch all of this happening. The other team was celebrating while our players were in tears. I had tears drop from my eyes. I couldn't help it. I couldn't help seeing my team like this. Seeing my boy probably crying on the grass of the field and my best friend in total disbelief. I tried yelling Pedri's name or Gavi but they both couldn't hear me because the noises in the stadium were too loud. Pedri and Gavi's family were also so sad to see the team like this.

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