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I felt an arm wrap around my waist to bring me closer. It was Pedri who wanted to feel his body close to mine. I opened my eyes and saw him looking at me with a smile. It was the best way to wake up.

"Good morning my beautiful fiancé" Pedri said.

I got my hand out of under the covers to like at the ring. It was real. I did have a ring on my finger. It wasn't a dream. I smiled and looked at Pedri who was still admiring me.

"Good morning my future husband" I said.

He got closer to me to press his lips on mine. I loved his soft and gentle kisses. His lips were always red after we kiss. Every time they get red and I love them even more. I traced, with my finger, the shape of his lips while he was watching me.

"Pedri?"I said.

"Yes mi vida" he answered and got closer to me.

"How did I get so lucky that you are in my life? I mean you are a professional football player and I'm... I don't even know what I am. Like I am nothing compared to you."

"Hey, hey, hey" he said in a lower voice while distancing himself from me, to look into my eyes. "You are not nothing, okay? No matter what I am, it doesn't define me. I can fall in love with anyone and I chose to fall for you. I fell in love with you at first sight and no one could stop me from that. The real question here is how did I get so lucky that a gorgeous girl loved me? I didn't love you because of your job but mostly because to me, you are the definition of perfection. You are absolutely beautiful and have an amazing personality. I fell in love with you Sarah and no one could stop me from it."

I smiled because Pedri felt the same way I felt for him. I did fall in love with who he was and not what he does.

"I love you Pedri González" I said.

He kissed me and smiled. He then added:

"I love you so much it hurts sometimes."

I completely knew what he was talking about. Especially with the moment that happened yesterday before the dinner. He must have been so scared and in pain. I could imagine. I just felt guilty for what I did.

I went on top of him to hug him tightly. I felt our bodies really touching and I liked it.

"Can I ask you a question?" he said.

I stood up in a sitting position on top of him and he put his hands under my shirt on my waist. Funny fact, I was still wearing his shirts when I go to bed and his hoodies at home.

I nodded.

"It's just a random question but we haven't talked about it so I just wanted to know."

I nodded again. He continued and asked his question:

"In the future, of course, how many children do you want to have and at what age? You don't have to tell me now if you don't want to."

I felt that he got nervous so I took his face into my hands and kissed him. Then I said:

"Pedri, we are getting married. We should know everything about each other. This thought hasn't crossed my mind yet but now that you are talking about it, I am glad you did."

He nodded and I continued by answering his question.

"I would love to have at least two kids. I don't want my kids to be alone that's why I want to have another one because living as an only child was hard for me."

Pedri nodded and grabbed my hands into his.

"For the time, honestly, I don't mind but not now of course. I want us to be stable and work out any problems. Like I want to be at least 21-22 before becoming a mother and I don't want you to be a father at a young age because it will be harder on you too."

Meant to meet ❤️‍🩹|| PedriWhere stories live. Discover now