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I convinced Pedri to get out of bed. Of course, I helped him with everything I could. I helped him change into an outfit and prep himself for the day. Then I cooked some food for breakfast and helped Pedri sit down at the table. He ate a few bites only for me because I told him that if he wasn't then I wouldn't eat at all. It was the best strategic way so that he could eat, even if it was a little bit. He looked so tired. I have never seen him in this state in my life.

"Have you ever felt this way before?" I asked him.

He shook his head. It was his first time.

"I promise you, my love. You will see the light at the end of the tunnel. You will see it.  You just have to remember. This is not your only and last World Cup. You can continue training and play in another one, okay mi amor?"

He nodded and I hugged him tightly. He wrapped his arms around my waist and took a deep breath. I kissed his head and didn't move for a few seconds. Then I cleaned up quickly and helped Pedri get up so we could leave to take the bus to the airport. The whole time we were walking closely next to each other. My arm was wrapped around his waist and he rested his arm around my shoulders. When we arrived at the lobby, his family was waiting for us. When they saw Pedri in that state, they immediately hugged him. His mother was so worried to see her son like this. My heart broke because she must feel the pain that I feel when I see Pedri like this. While Pedri was talking with his father, I told his mom:

"I am going to take care of him, I promise. I have lived what he is living. Pedri just needs time. I promise you, he is going to get better."

She hugged me tightly and said thank you.

From far away, I saw Gavi saying bye to his family. He looked better than Pedri that's for sure but I had to talk to him first. I checked on Pedri and he was still talking with his brother now, so I walked away to go see Gavi. When my best friend saw me coming towards him, he left his family and came running to hug me. I hugged him tightly and was glad that he was okay.

"How are you bestie?" I asked him.

"It hurts a little bit inside but it's fine. I will be fine."

I nodded and hugged him again. I was so happy he felt okay. Pablo has such a young soul, I didn't want him to live anything bad.

"How is Pedri?" he asked me.

I shook my head and answered:

"I think Pedri is at his worse. Pablo, he is not okay. He is depressed. He doesn't sleep or eat. I forced him today. It was my only option. He is so tired that it's hard for him to stand up. He always has to recline on someone just in case. Yesterday night he got so drunk. He drank the whole bottle of alcohol and asked me to leave so I did. When I came back, I found him on the floor of the bathroom with his hand bleeding. He punched the freaking mirror."

The whole time I was talking, Gavi was in shock.

"This. No this is not good. Pedri was never like this. Never" he said.

"I know Gavi. I understand him because I passed through that hard time but I don't want him to fall deeper into that hole."

Gavi nodded and then he said:

"We will see when we come back home. We will do everything to help him. I promise."

I nodded and then we both left in separate directions. I joined back Pedri and his family and Pablo joined his. I sat next to Pedri and he rested his head on my shoulder until one of the coaches, who looked also sad, told us that the bus was ready for the team.

All the players left their families and so did Pablo, Pedri and I. We then got on the bus. Of course, I sat next to Pedri and Pablo was right behind us. I was sitting next to the window and Pedri was next to the aisle. Pedri still didn't say a word even to his brother. He kept staring in front of him with no emotions. He wasn't even able to close his eyes and sleep.

Meant to meet ❤️‍🩹|| PedriWhere stories live. Discover now