The big day

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It was one of the best nights that I had. This bed was so comfortable and I loved sleeping next to my husband in our new house. It was the best feeling that anyone could possibly want. I woke up with the biggest smile ever when my eyes met my husband's eyes.

"Good morning wifey" Pedri said with his attractive morning voice and his beautiful smile.

"Good morning hubby" I said while stretching. "Did you sleep well?"

"Amazingly and you?" he asked me.

"One of the best nights."

He kissed me and we stayed in bed cuddling for a few minutes until it was time to get up. I was brushing my hair when Pedri came behind me and started tickling me everywhere. I kept laughing and held the brush up so he can stop because I was laughing too much, it hurt. But I didn't stop there.  When he was brushing his hair, I came behind him and tickled him as much as I could because it was easy for him to stop me since he was stronger than me.

"It's so unfair" I yelled when he grabbed my hands.

He kept laughing and I loved his laugh too much. My heart wanted to explode because of how much I loved his laugh. I kissed his cheeks, both of them.

"I love you, Pedro" I said sincerely.

"I love you more Sarah. Since when do you call me Pedro, huh" he said while approaching me.

I knew he was about to tickle me again so I backed off quickly before he could. I was laughing and said:

"I don't know. I just love your name and your nickname" I said. "Which one do you prefer?"

"I love when you call me Pedri or Pedro. It doesn't matter to me. Just never stop saying my name" he answered.

I smiled and kissed him again. I then went and got dressed. Of course, I wore one of Pedri's hoodies because he wanted me to since it was cold outside. I gave him some gloves because he never wears them or he forgets about them on cold days.

"Thank you mi vida" he said. "I don't know what I would have done without you."

"You don't need to think about that possibility" I said while showing him my hand with the ring on it.

He smirked and winked. How can a man be this attractive when he does simple things? I finished getting dressed and checked the time on my phone to make sure we weren't late since we also had to go get Pablo.

"Are you nervous to tell Xavi?"!Pedri asked me.

I was nervous. Yes. I think I feared this day so much.

"Yes, I am."

"Don't be, okay? I am here with you. I will be with you. No matter what happens, I have the marriage papers with me. I will show them to the coach and he will not be able to say anything."

I nodded. Pedri was totally right. Nothing bad could possibly happen. Xavi will not be able to take me away from Pedri. Never. I went and hugged Pedri and smelled his odour that I loved so much.

"Come on, let's go eat something" he told me after our hug.

I grabbed his hand and we went downstairs. We ate breakfast and I texted Pablo to check if he ate anything. I just wanted to make sure that my best friend was doing all right.

Pedri's POV:

This past week has been the best one of my life. The little things that Sarah does mean the world to me. She takes care of me and Pablo, even when he doesn't live with us. It was adorable how today she just texted him to make sure he ate before training. Like, how did I get so lucky to have Sarah as my wife?

Meant to meet ❤️‍🩹|| PedriWhere stories live. Discover now