Travelling (part 2)

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Pedri's POV:

I knew something was wrong with Sarah. Even when she looked at me and tried to convince me that she was okay, she wasn't. My heart could feel everything that she felt. When the tear dropped from her eye, I knew she tried to hide it but I wasn't going to let that happen. I went up to her and took her with me. We were going to sit next to each other this whole flight. I wasn't going to let him next to this guy.

When I went to take her with me, Xavi didn't let me. He even grabbed my arm so I wouldn't take Sarah but this time I wasn't going to let him win. I took my girl and sat in other seats away from him.

Sarah felt so much better when I was next to her. I saw her smile and she kissed me without being scared of anything or anyone. She was ready for the whole world to see us together. She didn't care.

Sarah's POV:

Pedri was sitting next to the window because I couldn't. I had a pretty bad fear of heights. So seeing the view from the window wasn't going to help me in any way. The airplane was about to leave so I took Pedri's hand and he squeezed it and said:

"Hey, look at me. It's okay. Don't worry. I am here."

He grabbed my face with his other hand and made me look into his eyes. I felt so reassured. I felt better. I looked into his eyes the whole time until the plane was stable in the air. He was adorable with his small smile that I couldn't resist and kiss his cheek. His beard had grown a little bit more hair and that made him more attractive.

I could imagine our future together with kids running around the house. Pedri being a dad would be the best thing that I could see in my life. In a few years seeing him hold his child. It meant the world to me. I completely forgot that we were in the airplane for a second because I was thinking about my future with this boy that was still looking deeply into my eyes.

I felt more comfortable when the plane got stable and we could remove our seatbelts. The seats were inclinable and could become beds if we wanted to. I turned my face to look at Pedri and saw him looking in front of him. He looked stressed. My love put his hand on his beard and started playing nervously with it. I took his hand and turned his face so he could look at me.

"What's wrong? Tell me, Pedri. Don't keep it in you" I said with a gentle voice.

He forced a smile and said:

"Don't worry, I am just tired of Xavi and his way of acting. Why can't he leave us alone?"

"I don't know, I said. Listen Pedri, you shouldn't care about that. Our love, I promise you, is strong than the whole world, okay babe?"

He nodded and kissed my hand.

The first few hours of the flight were calm. Everyone did their own thing. Pedri and I inclined our seats and slept next to each other but I wasn't able to fully sleep the whole few hours that he did. I just watched him sleep peacefully. I didn't want anything to make him mad. I wasn't going to let Xavi destroy him.

When he woke up, a smile grew on his face when he saw me look at him. He put his hand on my face and brushed his thumb on my cheek. I closed my eyes and smiled. I love this sensation. Pedri and I stayed like this for a few minutes and then I told him that I had to go to the bathroom. He didn't want to leave me alone in case Ferran does something. So we inclined back our chairs and walked to the bathroom that was at the end of the airplane. When we passed Ferran, I couldn't look in his direction. I was so scared to meet his eyes and panic again. Pedri stayed close to me so I felt safer. I knew he gave him a death stare because his jaw clenched again when I looked back at Pedri.

We arrived at the bathroom and Pedri waited for me at the door. I was about to wash my hands when I heard Ferran's voice next to Pedri. My heart stopped. I washed my hands as fast as I could and opened the door to meet Ferran's eyes. Pedri took my hand and made me look into his eyes. I knew he was here so I was able to breathe normally.

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